Hope everything continues to get better Kat. As a father ; grand father and great grandfather it's hard to watch one so young having medical problems. The best we can do is be there if needed as you're doing.
As for C.P.S. We had to deal with them when my 3rd. oldest ;a daughter thought she smarter than us.Her best friend's mom called them on us because she said our rules were too strict. 2 girls come to house with thick black notebooks. Both in their mid 20's. Started asking questions and I asked if they had children and they said no. Asked where they got info on child raising and they said their notebooks.

I proceeded to read them the riot act.
1- Books don't raise kids and if you don't have any ; you know squat diddly.
2- Explained rules of house and as long as they aren't abusive which they weren't you should have come to us in a civil manner instead of I'm the law type attitude.
3- Everything with in the fenced boundary is my kingdom ; I'm the king and my wife is my queen. We are benevolent rulers but will not tolerate disrespect or breaking of rules.
4- She has 2 choices ; follow rules or you 2 can take her and show us how it's done. It's up to her.
5- Lastly we don't bluff so choose carefully.
6- With that we told them to leave our house and if they ever come at us again like Gestapo we will sue them & agency till we own them. And if their boss doesn't like it #4 still applies.

Daughter came home from friend's and became a successful young lady . If I did this today I'd probably go to jail.

We'll keep you in our thoughts that all comes out for the better.