Sorry I haven't been on much.
Update: They ARE home!!!!!Niece had the specialists appt for sons eyes before they were released. I'm sorry to report that he will not be able to see much more than shadows per the specialist. A healthy optic nerve is pink, Gr nephews is white, there may be a slim chance that as he grows older that may improve. I only hope medical technologies will be there to help him. I'm just praying that given the current climate regarding "Special Needs" people, he will be helped with out bankrupting his parents. Niece is exhausted but very glad to be home. Please keep them in your prayers, it's going to be a long haul for them. He will have to be monitored daily so the visiting nurse will be seeing him regularly when they don't have to go to Dartmouth for check ups.His white blood cells are doing good and the red ones are also coming along well enough so they could go home. We are very happy but reserved. Just hoping for the best.
Thank you all again.