Well We got some good news the other day. Grand nephew is still tracking objects with his eyes. His PT nurse says while he's still behind in some developmental things he is almost up to age on other things. Niece goes to Children's hospital next month for his check up(one year out from transplant) and has appt. with eye doctor to check on his optic nerves and to see how much he is seeing.Very hopeful there is more improvement. He is sitting up by himself and getting vocal. He is growing like a weed , had his first haircut last month. The meds have him looking like a little werewolf, LOL. A HUGE thank you to all for the prayers and encouragement. Niece says he is now eating more solid foods so that is good news too as there was some concern he wasn't gaining weight like he should. Their cat has been his "bodyguard" when he's on the floor for tummy time. That is to encourage him to roll over, lift his head and try to scoot around.