Sorry I haven't done an update on grandnephew but we are very happy. He is sitting up on his own and scooting around on his butt all over the house. Niece has had to put up the gates because he's getting fast. Just have to remind him to lift his head up, he tends to keep his head down. Niece got a contraption that is helping him learn to stand and put weight on his legs, so far so good. He has to wear splints on his hands at night because his fingers are curling but he keeps wriggling them off them in his sleep LOL. As for his sight , cautious optimism, he seems to be able to see a little bit more than shadows so far. He is speaking whole words and can identify people and things somewhat.His sister is very happy he can now play with her (a little bit). She is doing very well too and is a BIG help to Mommy. She had an argument with a tree at school the other day but is okay She has a bit of a scratch on the side of her eyelid but not too bad. I just wonder what the tree looks like LOL.
On a sadder note We are losing one of our cats, Zephyr has developed a type of fast acting lymphoma cancer and there isn't much we can do for her other than helping her cross the rainbow bridge.
Thanks for all your prayers and support.