We're back from the Memorial/Celebration of my grand nephews life. My niece and nephew want to say thank you to all of you for your support and prayers during that time. It really meant a lot to them. The urn she had done was just so beautiful. A friend of hers painted the resin urn and it looked wonderful. My niece sent a picture of the finished urn to the company that made it, they were very impressed, so her friend has gotten a couple of commissions from the company to paint other urns for them. Another friend had pieces of jewelry made from some of his ashes for all three of them as well. We met so many of the people from their little town.They were all very nice and friendly and very supportive. Nephews boss, shut the hardware store down for the few hours of the Celebration, so he and nephews co workers could be there. I'm so glad there are towns still out there that rally behind one another.
My poor sister on the way up from VA got hit by some jerk in NY, so she now has to have the car fixed. Seems the idiot was too impatient and tried to pass them and a couple of semis while it was raining really hard, she said they were all creeping along when that jerk tried to pass them.. He side swiped them, took out part of her left front wheel well, caromed off one of the semis and rolled himself a few times and landed in the median. I'm just glad they weren't hurt but it took a few hours to be able to continue on their way. We were really worried when she hadn't shown up to the place we were staying in. She was about a couple of hours ahead of DH and I and she expected to be to the hotel before us. Just what my sister needed. The officers and the semi drivers all said the same thing in the police report, that jerk caused the accident. Just hope her insurance company takes care of the repairs and won't give her too much trouble as the accident happened out of state.