Well Doc gave me to go ahead so I went to my 50th Class reunion Saturday. Man I'm old LOL. Anyways We are going to be traveling next month. Am headed down to Tennessee to see Grand daughter1 and grandson1 then over to Georgia to see granddaughter#3and the DIL for a few days.In Aug heading to family reunion in Vegas for a long week end (sorry I can only take one of my brothers for a few days before I want to smack him upside his head,love him dearly but he is a jerk), then DH is talking going to AZ in October for our 48th anniversary. We have beans, peas and tomatoes coming along well. The squash is doing good too. Just hope I'll be able to get them put up before we start traveling. Our onions and carrots are not doing so good, DH tried the tapes with seeds on them I'm not sure but I think he may have planted them too deep in the boxes as there are only a few sprigs showing right now.Hope every one is doing good and staying safe.