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Thread: US Destroyer USS Fitzgerald

  1. #11
    Wants you to "look at what he's holding tonight".

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    My great uncle was killed in a ship during WW2 that was hit by a mine. He was stuck in the flooded compartment for a very long time till they got to dry dock.
    "When injustice becomes law, resistance becomes DUTY!" - Thomas Jefferson

  2. #12
    Bacon saver

    Brownwater Riverrat 13's Avatar
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    Can't thank it, can't like it, all I can do is RESPECT your post, they don't have a "Clickie" for that one yet brother. It's guys like him that made it easier to put up with the bullshit when I was in. You think about that and you get your ass in gear, respect for the dead is a motivator. RIP.......

    Grandpa was a Dieselman and his brother was a Stoker in WWII, they both made it home from the Pacific. Grandpa was the Chief of Police in Kallispell, Montana after that, name was "Moose"........track that one down. There was another brother he went Army, you know......back then, they all joined up, 16 and 17yr olds, fighting for their country. Now they just protest their country. I am truly proud of those that "truly" serve our country in ALL services. So others may live.
    Be safe.............the night is your friend.

  3. #13
    I'll most likely shit myself

    bacpacker's Avatar
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    Sorry for your loss Helo. Much respect to your uncle.
    That contains er ship was planning on that. The crew needs a big time interegation. Someone planned that shit.

  4. #14
    Do NOT mess with him while he's pumping gas.

    ak474u's Avatar
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    The Philippines is a new target for isis militants. I'm not surprised.
    Common sense is so rare these days, it should be re-classified as a super power.

  5. #15
    Bacon saver

    Brownwater Riverrat 13's Avatar
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    You can start here and then brush up on your Tagalog. Now you can go into the Filipino muslim isis theory........or you can go strictly one sided and say judging by the facts so far, I see Fitz is hit on the STBD side Crystals hit on the Port. "International Rules of the road" state that is you see their port side/port running light that makes you the "give way" vessel. You see green then you continue on. But always YOU are responsible for your actions. Again, with all the back up navigation between two surface watch teams, bridge and CIC, combat information center, WTF happened? Did they actually hit at 1630 UTC or 1730? I'm hearing it wasn't reported now by the Crystal until an hour after the collision. She was on a course of 070 at 18.5kts at 1630 UTC she made a course change to STBD to 118 and slowed to 14.5kts. from there it took her an hour to make that loop back to that position. Sooooooo, what?

    I can hear on the bridge of the Crystal now, "Hey, you hear dat? Wy you pucken turn, get back on cors bitch. Hokay, but I dink we pucken hit sompin. Hmmmmmmmm? Trun bac roun maybe we look. Ooooohh shit, we need to get da puck odda he." And it kinda looks like that to from one side.

    Then I could go from my Navy side/experience and really screw this up. The Fitz and the Crystal are on intercepting courses, known as a meeting situation. The OOD/Officer of the Deck (guy who's in charge of the whole ship's navigation weps and engineering while the CO is sleeping/absent from the bridge/etc) is aware of the crystal and assumes there is going to be a port to port passage. The figures don't match up for where the crytal's going to be at it's closest point when they pass at Fitz's current course and speed. CIC watch officer and team disagrees with the OOD says their figures say they will have plenty of room to meet/pass each other on their port side. As the argument ensues the figures are recalculated. During which time the two vessels are getting closer. Lets add all the multiple bullshit "maritime" traffic of this area to add the pressure, and it's dark out. By the time they think have it resolved the OOD takes action putting both ships in extremis. Being the great ship handler that he is, he made the wrong decision. If the CO was in his cabin he was never woken up and alerted to the meeting situation. The CO has a set of "Standing Night Orders" that are reviewed and signed at EVERY watch turnover. IN those standing orders are "when the CO needs to be awaken, there's a list" I can guarantee that one of those top two will be "When a contact CPA's (closest point of approach) with __ miles." I'm pretty sure the CRYSTAL qualified on that list. Yes, the CO had only been there a month, but I don't think he was that stupid. But I do know some officers who think they are that smart. Now if it's the OOD's fault he needs to be courts martial-ed and and thrown in Leavenworth for killing those sailors due to his negligence..............and I'm going to stop now before I go to far. I just have too many memories of how I can see this all going down on a bridge. Thank GOD for enlisted men.............

    Principal Particulars for ACX Crystal

    Gross Tonnage (G/T): 29,093 tons
    Length Overall: 222.60 meters
    Flag: Republic of the Philippines
    Built: 2008
    Captain: Ronald Advincula
    Crew: 20 seafarers (All Filipino)
    Ship Charterer: NYK Line

    This thing is just a mess until we see more facts. I'll keep diggin till I find more. I can't pass judgement, that's not my job, you'll have to look up for that.
    Be safe.............the night is your friend.

  6. #16
    Bacon saver

    Brownwater Riverrat 13's Avatar
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    Now here's one of the more accurate depictions of the ship's track, it's also showing the other merchant traffic. Keep in mind this only shows shipping traffic that is transmitting. You folks should enjoy this one...............
    Be safe.............the night is your friend.

  7. #17
    Senior Member

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    OK, after watching that, WTF were they (the ACX) doing? Set the autopilot and went for a dump with nobody on the bridge?

    And I'd say that the harbor there needs VTS and traffic lanes...

  8. #18
    Wants you to "look at what he's holding tonight".

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    Quote Originally Posted by Fidel MD View Post
    OK, after watching that, WTF were they (the ACX) doing? Set the autopilot and went for a dump with nobody on the bridge?

    And I'd say that the harbor there needs VTS and traffic lanes...
    Funny you say that. The exact thing happened to the platform I worked on for 3 years. The captain set the GPS to go to our platform went down to take a crap, and ran into the platform before he got done. Scared the shit out of lots of people.
    "When injustice becomes law, resistance becomes DUTY!" - Thomas Jefferson

  9. #19
    Bacon saver

    Brownwater Riverrat 13's Avatar
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    Hey.......there's supposed to be a "qualified" person in there (bridge) 24hrs if this things underway. Especially in this area, (traffic)but what are the standing orders of the company and the ship's master on this vessel? Maybe things have changed since my day but I highly doubt it. The practice of good seamanship............ok let's just say it depends on the geo position. Things go very "respectful" of each other here around the CONUS. But yeah you start getting out there and they just don't come up on bridge to bridge radio or you just get the fuck out of their way all together and adjust your track a few miles for the heavy weights.

    Basic underway watch team for a Navy ship:
    Officer of the Deck
    Junior Officer of the Deck
    Boatswainsmate of the Watch
    Quatermaster of the watch/ maybe even a junior I'm sure.
    MESSENGER Of the Watch
    Port look out
    Stbd Look out
    Aft look out

    Mind you this just a basic strip down, you also have another watch team full of air and surface search radar equip called CIC that has another full watch team that monitors and compares navigation on a continual basis with the bridge watch team. SO with all these people..................has anyone seen anything whether the Fitz was leaving port, returning, that kind of thing, because I haven't seen that slip yet.

    Hey............. would you believe that the international language on maritime radio is English? Hey, at least we still got that one.........WORLD WIDE.

    Either way when this all ends, you the capt. are responsible for your vessel. Man I really would love to share a 12 pk and a bottle of Stoli's with the BMOW who was on the the mid shitter.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by helomech View Post
    Funny you say that. The exact thing happened to the platform I worked on for 3 years. The captain set the GPS to go to our platform went down to take a crap, and ran into the platform before he got done. Scared the shit out of lots of people.
    I mean.....really? Could you be so stupid or could you just SLOW DOWN, leave it on auto............ahhhh, skip it, it's still a "no shitter!"
    Be safe.............the night is your friend.

  10. #20
    Bacon saver

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    Here's an update, and from what snippets I'm reading it don't sound good.............but it's starting to sound a lot like, deja vu (one of my comments from before). But here's how it "should" play out. Who's at fault: Officer of the Deck, CIC Watch Officer, (two most senior on watch. XO, CO, (Xo was "senior" on the command) and CO only been on board a month....well, he "was" the CO. But then again he might survive because the other two Bozos did not follow standing orders. Eh, who knows, see how it plays out.
    Be safe.............the night is your friend.



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