Can't thank it, can't like it, all I can do is RESPECT your post, they don't have a "Clickie" for that one yet brother. It's guys like him that made it easier to put up with the bullshit when I was in. You think about that and you get your ass in gear, respect for the dead is a motivator. RIP.......

Grandpa was a Dieselman and his brother was a Stoker in WWII, they both made it home from the Pacific. Grandpa was the Chief of Police in Kallispell, Montana after that, name was "Moose"........track that one down. There was another brother he went Army, you know......back then, they all joined up, 16 and 17yr olds, fighting for their country. Now they just protest their country. I am truly proud of those that "truly" serve our country in ALL services. So others may live.