Hey.......there's supposed to be a "qualified" person in there (bridge) 24hrs if this things underway. Especially in this area, (traffic)but what are the standing orders of the company and the ship's master on this vessel? Maybe things have changed since my day but I highly doubt it. The practice of good seamanship............ok let's just say it depends on the geo position. Things go very "respectful" of each other here around the CONUS. But yeah you start getting out there and they just don't come up on bridge to bridge radio or you just get the fuck out of their way all together and adjust your track a few miles for the heavy weights.

Basic underway watch team for a Navy ship:
Officer of the Deck
Junior Officer of the Deck
Boatswainsmate of the Watch
Quatermaster of the watch/ maybe even a junior I'm sure.
MESSENGER Of the Watch
Port look out
Stbd Look out
Aft look out

Mind you this just a basic strip down, you also have another watch team full of air and surface search radar equip called CIC that has another full watch team that monitors and compares navigation on a continual basis with the bridge watch team. SO with all these people..................has anyone seen anything whether the Fitz was leaving port, returning, that kind of thing, because I haven't seen that slip yet.

Hey............. would you believe that the international language on maritime radio is English? Hey, at least we still got that one.........WORLD WIDE.

Either way when this all ends, you the capt. are responsible for your vessel. Man I really would love to share a 12 pk and a bottle of Stoli's with the BMOW who was on the the mid shitter.

- - - Updated - - -

Quote Originally Posted by helomech View Post
Funny you say that. The exact thing happened to the platform I worked on for 3 years. The captain set the GPS to go to our platform went down to take a crap, and ran into the platform before he got done. Scared the shit out of lots of people.
I mean.....really? Could you be so stupid or could you just SLOW DOWN, leave it on auto............ahhhh, skip it, it's still a "no shitter!"