Massive failure. Bridge team and CIC. Failure to follow standing orders is probably also involved. Captain's Night Orders. Sounds like it was a total "Cluster Fuck". Having served on destroyers for most of my naval career, there is a lot gone wrong here. Also wonder what the lookouts were doing. I'm sure that many did there job, but the wrong people didn't. CO was still asleep in his at sea cabin, why not wake him and notify of close approach as is the usual procedure. CIC should have and probably did notify bridge as did the wing lookouts. QM would have been able to establish base course of both ships and recommend course changes and speed changes. When it became obvious that the ships would physically meet, GQ, rig for collision, and "ALL STOP", followed by "All Back Full", could of and should have been ordered. This is after all a gas turbine powered ship, not and older stem boiler powered ship.