That North Dakota trip really did a number on me. It's a military thing... you understand, I wish you all could have been there to see the things that I saw. Of course some of it was personal, but all of it was brothers and sisters of the service whom I never knew, respected. I hoped I did worthy job in their eyes. But I know I could never hold a candle to them.......but I'll bear the torch. It was just what I remember America being when I was I kid and It was still there and it followed me all the way home.

Then reading again about your young son joining the ranks just makes me that much more proud to be an American. So, LadyHK and I are here for you guys when ever you are in need.

I still keep in contact with some of my boys that are still in and this "Sea Daddy" worries every day for their sorry asses. So what's one more?