Well, the thread was really meant to bring attention to the future of our military and where it's heading. "They" don't want it and "they" don't want to pay for it. They also understand that their paycheck is based on rotating funds, (you pay yourself) your taxed paycheck pays for your paycheck. So it's just a matter of recycled funds, they give you a raise here and take it from there and you achieve no actual increase at all. So "they" are not happy about some POS signing up to get a sex change and be a fuckin sick bay comando for his entire career as a useless no load can't do shit for no one but gets a pay check and his balls moved to his chest and a new snorkel!

The term "Starship Troopers" was a term that "they" used to me in order to get the light bulb to come on. The boys and girls are pissed is what I'm hearing and they want no part of it. There have been way too many "lessons learned" over the past 8 yrs of declining leadership. I just hope the hell they wake up............can't do shit about it from here. so I was just making folks aware of what's going down, that is all.............carry on.