This is just a point I was trying to get across to someone yesterday and they just couldn't get it. Guess you'd have to be there to understand right?

Let me put this as plain as possible. Said "tranny" joins and has become
a "non-deployable liability" due to treatments, therapy and surgery
requirements for the first say 3yrs. This "individual" is a useless tool
and the rest of the military has to take up the slack. So I ask you,
"Who here is willing to do all his combat deployments so he can become a
liability? WHO.........YOU? I didn't think so..........I would,
provided I can kick them out of service. Then I would consider it
Justified. You try serving in a combat zone for someone that decides
they don't want to be there, BTDT. Fine go home and kiss your family and
tell them Senior says "you're welcome" not in my Navy or my military.
Don't have room for cowards or mental cases, this is considered a
pre-existing mental health condition and is therefore not military
material.....................period. Just put it down on your Obama care.......