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Thread: Is "Starship Troopers" the future of our Military?

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  1. #1
    looking at their tools while posting pictures of mine.
    Domeguy's Avatar
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    Nov 2012
    about 20 minutes outside Lynchburg, TN...but which way...
    Back in the good 'ol days, if you were in the minority, that meant the others around you were in the majority. I thought this was simple mathematics, i.e. 1<100. If I were the one, I kept my mouth shut, either out of respect of the other 99, or probably because the other 99 might just kick the shit out of me and my opinions. No matter if it's a case of religion, sexual orientation, preference for cats, or just like Pepsi over Coke...that was my opinion, mine to keep to myself. At what point, where did we loose that, when one persons opinion became more important over everyone else's opinion. This is just another case where the far left has taken over. No one has the right to force their opinion on the majority. If my religion differs with the majority, I need to shut the hell up, or move to where I am more in line with the majority. If you are a transgendered individual, it's not the worlds problem to accept it and fix it for you. Can you serve in the military, I'm gonna say no, due to the 1<100 theory. The other 99 should not be forced to change their world just to make the 1 happy. It's been said best this way, "The good of the many outweighs the good of the few, or the one." Spock
    "Teach the children quietly
    For someday sons and daughters
    Will rise up and fight while we stood still"

    I stayed up all night to see where the sun went. Then it dawned on me.

  2. #2
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2018
    chesapeake bay, virginia
    Interesting thread here.

    Domeguy and others,

    At what point, where did we loose that, when one persons opinion became more important over everyone else's opinion. This is just another case where the far left has taken over.

    We began to lose that back when more and more people began to have what I call ..."Mostly a television and movie education in Emotions and not thinking.

    What is going on out here is a type of 180 degree Demonic thinking pattern come to seed because people do not think much for themselves but instead are easily emoted....or put another way..Easily controlled by their emotions which have been carefully molded and cultivated by a lifetime of watching television and movies.

    Television and Movies tend to do our thinking for us....if we are not aware.

    This is also called...."Herding." Being unconsciously "Herded." Made to follow the herd via programming by television and movies...emotions ...not individual thinking.

    Case in point here...

    No one capable of thinking for themselves .....defines themselves their sexuality and then demands that others make accommodations for their sexuality.

    I am not speaking against sexuality here...but against stupidity.

    This because a thinking, educated, disciplined person is so much more than sex and sexuality.

    Yet we have become so educated into social culture that we are today become stupid....incredibly stupid.

    When someone takes a whole group of people and holds them hostage and in bondage via government their sexuality....against peoples will and over their objections.....this is a type of rape.

    For you have a right as an individual and particularly as an American to accept or reject another person for any reason you decide. And in to accept or reject someone's sexuality.

    Anything else is incredibly stupid...yet someone is promoting stupidity in public schools across this land and calling it "Enlightened."

    This because a thinking, educated, disciplined person is so much more than sex and sexuality.

    Once you break out of the institutional stupidity realize that all these people and groups have to identify themselves and try to hold the rest of the nation and people their realize how incredibly stupid this truly is. Yet government openly promotes this kind and caliber of stupidity.

    You as an individual thinker have to be educated into stupidity not to get it.

    Yet we have here a government and government education...promoting just such prevent people from thinking for themselves..and allow these same people to be "Herded."

    Group think....1984 by George Orwell if you prefer.

    One of the worst things around this kind of that this government is now doing this to our children and grand children in and via public schools.

    A good and decent woman put this in perspective for me about what was happening in our public schools concerning rampant, rabid, and runaway sexuality being taught and promoted ...of all kinds. This olde woman was quite prescient in this observation.

    What she told me was happening is that Government and for whoever or whomever they are acting ...are stealing the very childhood from our children and grandchildren by bringing them in to adulthood before their time.

    What the government and the whorish body politic are doing ...all across this country is cultivating and promoting a controlled, malleable , guaranteed voting base in future generations....raised on this rabid sexuality combined with a television and movie education in emotions and not thinking for themselves. Robots...automatons.

    For a number of years now...this government has carefully and skillfully cultivated a number of minority groups identified by their "Victimhood Status."
    Women/Feminists, Blacks and other minorities, Illegals...and now also groups by sex and sexuality.

    Always the politics of division and Victimhood against the majority of Americans.

    Sex and Sexuality to rabid and rampant runaway levels is just another extension of this "Victim Politics" for votes.
    This is about votes...votes and power...even if you have to ruin the Military to accomplish this goal ...of votes for power and control.

    This is how a whole nation is held hostage and raped ....for political lucre...political capital.

    This is one of the main reasons Donald Trump must go...he is a danger to this long term and carefully cultivated system of demonic take over of the American way of life and thinking.

    A danger to this carefully cultivated demonic system of making America and Americans take second, third, and fourth these "Victim political and social groups" and on the public purse.
    We are to pay for our own demise.

    Including holding the public sexually hostage to these groups for raped. Including here your children and grandchildren in public schools.

    All of these patterns I am describing are part and parcel of what are sometimes called "Deep State" operations to bring out in the open the "Secret War" against America and Americans which has been going on for many many years since WW2...but beginning to come out rapidly into the open with the Obama administration..but planned to continue just as rapidly..if not faster... under a Clinton Administration.

    Hope this makes some kind of sense as to what is going on out here and also now affecting our military.

    Once you catch on to the "Victim Dictum" in politics and can see the rabidness of the sexuality tied into the Victim Dictum can see it happening in the news over and over and over...for dividing the country ..not uniting it. Dividing the country for votes to keep and maintain power.
    And Demonically willing to sacrifice our children and grandchildren to accomplish this goal of power and control.

    And now too...our military if they can get away with it....until Donald Trump.

    My rampant and sometimes rabid musings,


    Not an Ishmaelite



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