About the LGBT movement and our Military Vote.

Concerning the not so subtle force feeding of the LGBT Movements into the ranks of our Military.

I believe this is necessary for the purpose of controlling the Military vote.

I believe that in future elections .so divided has the nation become......the vote may be close sufficient that the Military vote might be one for the deciding factors in a national election.

Hence someone is starting early to infiltrate public schooling and also the military to swing, seduce and control the Military to make it subject to the leftist voting programs of identity politics.....identifying ones self by one's sexuality..not by ones duty to the military...and one's oath. And by this pattern control the military votes.

This is where I believe someone is trying to take this country...in the future elections.

This is why the Obama Administration made such quick head starts to put their people into key military programs to where the military became not about the Mission Requirements but about social goals....social programs. For they constantly need to promote Ishmaelite programs across this nation. And this pattern continues today.

My random and sometimes rabid .02,


Not an Ishmaelite