Little Pajama Boy in NK is truly a wild card. We know he is crazy. Right after he came into power he eliminated many of his military leaders in order to be sure he would not be challenged. What we do not know is just how crazy his subordinates are. If he were to order a first strike would they follow through, knowing that it spells doom for them? I do not know.

I am more concerned that the PRNK will decide to move back into South Korea and then threaten that if ANYONE tries to stop them they pull out their nukes. Japan and all western allies could be targeted. How accurate can their ICBMS be at this point? Well, if they are aiming for downtown Honolulu and are 10 miles off target their will still be damage and problems from EMP.

Unlike the Cuban missle crises where MAD was observed by both the USSR and the USA that is not the situation today. Certainly widespred damage and financial hardships if a NK nuke or two got to us, but nothing like we faced back in the '60's.