MLK had it right, and the progressive left just doesn't get it. Most people in America thank God do. Judge a man by his character, not the color of his skin. The left like to tout victim-hood, and white privileged, whatever the hell that is. Like most service vets here, I worked for a living, putting my life on the line so those back home could enjoy there lives whatever they may have been.The only privilege I got was to be in an elite group of less than 1% of the U.S. population that had the guts to keep the wolf from the door and give the rest of the countries population the chance to pursue happiness in their own way. (Off Rant)
Don't ask me what I really think, unless you can stand brutal unfiltered honesty. My brothers and sisters in arms know , and have been there done that, some even have little bits of multi colored cloth to memorialize it.