Why? That one is easy.
We are at war. We don't really see it, as it's not a "hot" war in the classical sense, but it is a war nonetheless.
America is the last bastion of freedom, what little we still have. The string pullers behind the world want us to fall, their greed dictates that all they already have isn't enough, they want the rest. America has always been strong, and for one primary reason; we have been United. It is hard to defeat a United enemy, no matter how little they have, or that they may be few.
So, the war to remove our unity is being waged on multiple fronts. The family unit, the very core, is destroyed by killing the notion of the basic male/female pair, the children reared by those parents with the same code. The community, by making everyone strangers, with racism to make them fight over their skin color, with wealth and religious discrimination, to make them fight over those differences as well.
We now hate each other at almost every level, do not trust one another for almost any excuse.
For, our unity was the one thing that really could make and keep America great, no matter what anyone else did/said.
Our unity was also the one thing that could keep us safe and free.
Yeah, the 2nd is important, but a bunch of strangers with guns is not a formidable enemy, nothing compared to a unified group.

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At least that's my opinion, probably worth about what you paid for it.