Well, If I had a fancy phone I guess, maybe, but I just can't break away from my communicator that I got from on the starship Enterprise. The old flip phone and I get along just fine for our purposes. Call, leave message, call back, use your voice, TALK TO PEOPLE, if you don't leave a message then I guess it wasn't that damn important now was it? We don't text, we don't need all the nu-necessary BS on our phones, KISS. Besides, it's too entertaining watching people screw up their lives with their faces glued to the screen running into things................until they kill someone with a 4300lb vehicle.

When someone calls me when and I'm driving I reach in my pocket and hand it to the wife. If she's not with me...... I might pull it out and look at it to see who it is. If it's important, I'll either pull over or make it real fast and say "I'll call ya back" But I talk, I don't text! I'm about ready for a "Jitterbug"............