ANTIFA is the American version of the late Weimar-early Nazi era SA, just more covert and sneaky.

It is my prediction that they will make their big presence known after the midterms, attacking in places where they dared not attack before. Every national level election where the Democrats do not win will have legal contests filed, irrelevant of margin of the outcome... and an Antifa cell will be there rioting.

My counsel, as stated before, is get the kids the hell someplace safe. These things do not fight predictably, save for thier cowardice, which makes them very dangerous. Their leadership, such as it is, has probably told them to inflict as much injury as possible and then fade. The reason that they've not yet migrated to firearms is the leadership's fear that some one of their own number is gonna get ambitious, kill them off, and take over.

The moment they mess with a cop, though.... Co-opted/bought higher authority's orders to stand down will go out the window.

I think there are ways to deal with them. As they monitor this site and anyone else's who disagrees with them in the slightest degree. outlining these ways on the net isn't happening, nor should it.