The problem with ANTIFA is they use the standard "leaderless" model. This is when everyone acts "independently" so there is no single person to target for arrest. ANTIFA also likes to use masks to conceal themselves to make it harder to identify them. They are very good at this. It took law enforcement months to identify several members from the Berkeley incident. One thing I would like to see stopped is those people who pay ANTIFA to protest. I think if this were to be stopped then many of these protests would not even occur. In some of the protests here on the Left Coast people are being bussed hundreds of miles.

In many cases when there is a protest, police are away all their sticks used to hold their signs but they are not searched. They like the innocent chain and lock for their bikes. After the Berkely incident ANTIFA chatter had them voicing their concern they were not ready enough. Many people chimed in they need better training to fight better. Others said they wanted weapons training. No one spoke out against the violence. I would venture to guess since then they have had organized training just like ALF and ELF do.