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Thread: Forseeable forcast...AKA SHTF.

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  1. #1
    Bacon saver

    Brownwater Riverrat 13's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2011

    Forseeable forcast...AKA SHTF.

    OK, if we go way back into the SHTF archives some of you might recall I posted a link or two relating to this storm tracking stuff. I use the tools I used as a "squid" in my Navy days that aided us as a ship when transiting the world's oceans. NOAA is a useful site if you DIG INTO IT! It will give you wave heights, sea temps, water vapor loops high and low pressure regions and ALL THE SHIT THE NEWS DOES NOT GIVE THE PUBLIC! So they can make all the decisions FOR YOU, make you panic, run away, buy shit, the usual. Now having said this I am asking you PLEASE (note the date, I said please) look at the links I am giving and study the movements of the high (dark zones)and low pressure bands and how everything reacts to them. You will soon learn how to tell the weather channel to "fuck off" or you might know when to "over all hatch hoods and gun covers."

    1. If a high pressure retreats a low will move in.
    2. A high pressure is "normally" moved with a jet stream. You'll see it.
    3. Highs are usually stronger than lows.
    4. Never transit to the south of a hurricane when at sea, you will get sucked in. Remember the sunken container ship off the Bahamas last year?
    5. Always transit to the North so you will get blown out (note the circulation pattern......)

    PLease feel free to ask questions. I currently feel that Irma is going to peter out with this high pressure band pushing so hard coming in from the north west the last few days. It Knocked it down into Cuba to where it lost steam contradicting yesterday's prediction of "OH, it's going to be a CAT 5! when it hits Florida!" Fucked that one up.....

    OK, having said all this we have family in Titusville, Orlando, Panama City, and friends in Tampa. Only Tampa and Titusville has left the state.
    OH hey, we still have some members who are down there too! SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO what's up with them?
    How about checking in if you can and have time just so we know you are GTG????????

    OK here are two links, One is more east coast US the other is more atlantic for the oncoming storms that are coming across. Tell me your thoughts, my current is "wind and rain" and some power outages due to downed power lines and what nots. The fuckin media is killing me but I won't get into that.............I could see the major concern in the beginning but I have a tendency not to PANIC. I like to do the research myself before I trust the media. I make my moves based on my own experiences. My family learned to trust my instincts after Hurricane Brett in 99, they wanted to leave and I said NO, it's going to dogleg to the west. We boarded up, and stayed put and people left and they stuck on the highway in the middle of the storm. (Texas DPS learned a valuable lesson, open all lanes so EVERYONE can get out safely, by the way it worked this time with Harvey)So What happened in 99? It doglegged west and hit south of Corpus and all was well in the kingdom. I used the tools I was given, so far they still work. I think Florida might be just fine............except getting back into place. HEY, real economy booster though huh?

    By the way, my daughter's life and my wife's family depends on it, and then again, you can't fix stupid.

    WE'll talk about the other Nations vulnerabilities we have going on right now later..................I have a list.
    Last edited by RedJohn; 09-21-2017 at 01:45 PM. Reason: Removed the links
    Be safe.............the night is your friend.



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