Lost track of this topic, did he ever get read his rights? Give him to me, I'll make him talk and I'll let him live, I won't reward him. We need to ban Home Depot trucks, Home Depot renting anything, and toy guns. Now some Air Force "eject" shoots up a church, this is not going to be "a way of life" for us anymore. We are not the EU, this is for the most part preventable. "Immigration"

All of these idiots arrived at their destination by their own determination, doesn't matter what they used, they would have tried to succeed one way or another. Terrorist Manual 101. They arrested some kid I heard yesterday for making threats about a (not even going to use the words) on a video..........had guns all around him, etc. They found a bunch of loaded weps, etc. OK, hey, the guy made threats, it's on line, authorities reacted someone was arrested, great job. NOW GO OUT AND GET THE REST OF THEM! This stuff is going on all the time, I know a few famous faces I'd have sitting in jail for making death threats against the POTUS on video. I believe he said "We are a nation of laws"

One must be very careful or very stupid when posting on the internet. Cause you can't redact "stupid" BTDT..........