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Thread: Pondering The Perponderance of Pondering

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  1. #1
    CC Gray Panther
    eagle326's Avatar
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    Pondering The Perponderance of Pondering

    The Bannon Effect :

    This is a subject that's been racing through my brain 24/7 for a period of time now. Bear with me if you can because this may be long winded.

    Okay here we go. From the start I watched Trump and Bannon . There seemed to be a play unfolding before me. They played the act of deception before the media . Close friends ; Close friends with differences. To the M.S.M. this was like being a hog in a mud bath. And to the uneducated this was ripe for the pickings.

    But then River Rat's and SgtRet.'s class on hurricanes put the pieces together in my old rusting brain. Many people will look at a storm in many different ways all the while never having an understanding how a fuckin' storm works. Yet preach to the choir of their ability to do so with a straight face.

    After watching the inner action of these 2 I began to realize that they were playing the public and M.S.M. for the fools they are.It was very subtle but they played it like a true gambler. The press was gorging on the fact that Trump and Bannon were drifting further apart on issues . All the while Bannon was inter acting with all the important people to garner the information needed to take down the swamp.
    Between Rat & Sgtret. the learning curve became a straight line process. If one could track the movement one could find the end game.

    Bannon leaves on good terms and begins to set up battle plan to take down fake Republicans. Trump even throws out a disagreement now and then to facilitate the facade. To date 28 politicians from both parties are not running for re- election. Am I surprised , Nope. Where are they running to ? They know their chances are slim and they're cutting bait with retirement money to seek in my mind the pre-planned shelters available to them for the coming storm whatever that may be ?

    Too much shit is being thrown into the fan and where it ends up is anyone's guess. But these old bones and the hair on the back of my neck say that it's going to be interesting times. The left believes they're smelling victory because of the silence from the right as a sign of weakness. I was always taught to beware of the quiet man. For you know not his ability until he unleashes it. And by then you can only try and react which will do you no good because he never telegraphs his strategy.

    Right now our 2nd. civil war is being fought in cyber space and when that eventually fails there remains only one alternative my fellow Ants and we all know what that is. I hope I'm wrong in my theory but I just can't escape the recurring intrusions to my thought process.

    The Bannon effect is just too much to ignore in my realm.

    Just my 2 cents
    Last edited by eagle326; 11-02-2017 at 02:54 PM.

  2. #2
    Senior Member
    Illini Warrior's Avatar
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    not exactly a secret - Bannon wasn't clicking with WH staff including the SIL - went back to doing what he knows best ......

  3. #3
    CC Gray Panther
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    Quote Originally Posted by Illini Warrior View Post
    not exactly a secret - Bannon wasn't clicking with WH staff including the SIL - went back to doing what he knows best ......
    I guess that's my point. As time flowed Bannon seemed the odd man out. But was he truly that? Or did he and Trump execute a informational collection of those who were in their sights ? The game plan can only work if only those two are involved and kept between them. Everything else is just a smoke screen. Asymmetrical warfare.

  4. #4
    may be in trouble

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    I was always taught to beware of the quiet man.
    "Beware the fury of a patient man." -John Dryden, Absolom and Architophel

    I keep thinking of a little tiny flame dancing along a fuse until it approaches its end in the bung of one horkin' HUGE barrel of powder...Soon, I think. Less than a year. More than next week.

  5. #5
    Bacon saver

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    I'm still here..."detained elsewhere" as for your post Eagle, I'm with ya. Many things have been brewing, democrats as well, me thinks part of the ship's wardroom and crew is planning a mutiny and the Skipper has already had his plan in place (that's why we call him "Skipper") part of the crew is trying to desert in port before they get underway. "They" want to knock the Skipper over the side "Lost at Sea" and take control of the ship. But the Skipper has control of the ship's security force and all the weps. (That's why he keeps all his military "Marines" close to his side POTUS has full control of the marines) ya just never know man................

    Anyway, yes we are on shaky ground right now with all these "elected officials" jumping ship. Makes ya wonder all of the sudden what smells so bad in DC don't it? Yes, I think the house of cards is about to fall, pigs are squealing right now. Hollywood and the media is taking a scandal as well, he, he. But me thinks the Bush Clinton dynasty might get finally exposed and held, well fuckin exposed anyway.

    I'm pukin here man, been off the site for a while. Lots to catch up on. Beans, Bullets and Band-Aids!
    Be safe.............the night is your friend.

  6. #6
    CC Gray Panther
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    Quote Originally Posted by Brownwater Riverrat 13 View Post
    I'm still here..."detained elsewhere" as for your post Eagle, I'm with ya. Many things have been brewing, democrats as well, me thinks part of the ship's wardroom and crew is planning a mutiny and the Skipper has already had his plan in place (that's why we call him "Skipper") part of the crew is trying to desert in port before they get underway. "They" want to knock the Skipper over the side "Lost at Sea" and take control of the ship. But the Skipper has control of the ship's security force and all the weps. (That's why he keeps all his military "Marines" close to his side POTUS has full control of the marines) ya just never know man................

    Anyway, yes we are on shaky ground right now with all these "elected officials" jumping ship. Makes ya wonder all of the sudden what smells so bad in DC don't it? Yes, I think the house of cards is about to fall, pigs are squealing right now. Hollywood and the media is taking a scandal as well, he, he. But me thinks the Bush Clinton dynasty might get finally exposed and held, well fuckin exposed anyway.

    I'm pukin here man, been off the site for a while. Lots to catch up on. Beans, Bullets and Band-Aids!
    If the rough seas of our political landscape can make our Chief want to puke tells this old boy we're in for a real test of wills. Our Constitutional Republic is in the throes of birthing pains and if we doze for one second we could see a dictatorship unknown to mankind . Taking unknown power of absolute control of mind ; body and soul.

    We may be the few ;the ragtag ; the dreamers but in the end it's who talked the talk and who walked the walk. I pledge all of what I own ; my family ; my honor ; my quest for total freedom that all may live free from government and those who seek to Lord over them.

  7. #7
    He's old and grumpy, but not fat. He'll be right back...he has to go tell some kids to get off his lawn

    Stg1swret's Avatar
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    The plan has been gamed, and is about to go in place. The rats are jumping ship because they think it is sinking, but the skipper is employing controlled flooding to get the vermin to leave. Those who introduced the vermin are gloating because they think they will soon be back in charge when the ship is abandon, how little they really know. The skippers little secret is the quiet man whom everyone is comfortable with. He speaks rarely, but with authority when he does. Little do most of denizens of the swamp realize how ruthless he is. When called upon he will perform his duties as ordered under the constitution.
    "There are no winners in war, only bigger losers"

    If you see me or hear me coming, I'm not doing my job.

  8. #8
    Bacon saver

    Brownwater Riverrat 13's Avatar
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    Don't forget the can't function without coffee. Yeah, ok Mountain Dew for you kids......
    Be safe.............the night is your friend.

  9. #9
    CC Gray Panther
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    Quote Originally Posted by Brownwater Riverrat 13 View Post
    Don't forget the can't function without coffee. Yeah, ok Mountain Dew for you kids......
    DAMN RIGHT!!! ; F#$k with my coffee ; hot & black we got problems.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Stg1swret View Post
    The plan has been gamed, and is about to go in place. The rats are jumping ship because they think it is sinking, but the skipper is employing controlled flooding to get the vermin to leave. Those who introduced the vermin are gloating because they think they will soon be back in charge when the ship is abandon, how little they really know. The skippers little secret is the quiet man whom everyone is comfortable with. He speaks rarely, but with authority when he does. Little do most of denizens of the swamp realize how ruthless he is. When called upon he will perform his duties as ordered under the constitution.
    These times are a changing and by the grace of my forefathers I'm here to help . I may not be one of the few last standing but by the grace of my forefathers I followed their path towards freedom. ( AIRBORNE !!!! )

  10. #10
    He's old and grumpy, but not fat. He'll be right back...he has to go tell some kids to get off his lawn

    Stg1swret's Avatar
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    There are a few of us old "hard chargers" still around. We know the oath we took, and stand by it and on it. We may be over the hill, but by God, until we re under the hill we will defend this country to the end.
    "There are no winners in war, only bigger losers"

    If you see me or hear me coming, I'm not doing my job.



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