I'm still here..."detained elsewhere" as for your post Eagle, I'm with ya. Many things have been brewing, democrats as well, me thinks part of the ship's wardroom and crew is planning a mutiny and the Skipper has already had his plan in place (that's why we call him "Skipper") part of the crew is trying to desert in port before they get underway. "They" want to knock the Skipper over the side "Lost at Sea" and take control of the ship. But the Skipper has control of the ship's security force and all the weps. (That's why he keeps all his military "Marines" close to his side POTUS has full control of the marines) ya just never know man................

Anyway, yes we are on shaky ground right now with all these "elected officials" jumping ship. Makes ya wonder all of the sudden what smells so bad in DC don't it? Yes, I think the house of cards is about to fall, pigs are squealing right now. Hollywood and the media is taking a scandal as well, he, he. But me thinks the Bush Clinton dynasty might get finally exposed and held, well fuckin exposed anyway.

I'm pukin here man, been off the site for a while. Lots to catch up on. Beans, Bullets and Band-Aids!