Quote Originally Posted by Brownwater Riverrat 13 View Post
OK, hey I have say that everyone here echos my feelings completely when it comes to you and this site! LadyHK and I have been here since conception. Wait till I tell her.....anyway this last subject has my "chicken little" flag waving. I have nothing against RJ selling but makes me wonder how much of "destroy from within" is going on. Buy it up and shut it down from within the site and make the people go away. But I guess they'd pop up some place else, after all who controls the internet? Tin foil hats off..........

Sure I worry and I'd hate to loose all my imaginary friends here on the site...............actually I'd be fuckin pissed. You folks have helped me through a lot over the years and I appreciate that. THANK YOU!
Thought along the same line brother.
And you also have helped many through out the years also. Your one of a kind summaries ; opinions and such help people understand using that unique style. ( Straight forward )