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Thread: I do not care what does or does not happen at the Oscar Awards...

  1. #11
    Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by RedJohn View Post
    @Orangetom : I don't even understand why you bring it up. And I agree with you. Last time Hollywood saw a dollar from me was a very long time ago.

    Good question Red John.

    I bring it up to see how many people are on the same page...and to get people to recognize that there are more people on the same page than what most of us tend to think.

    There is a silent conspiracy in this country by leftists...who are even more left radical than are liberals if you can believe that.

    And Hollywood is in bed with them...while involved in a type of incestuous relationship with the Media and Washington DC.

    They are trying to "Herd" America and Americans into a direction to make us like England and the Continent. Thinking Americans do not want any part of that.

    They are trying to Censor and Herd American thought in the direction they need....or desire for us to go.

    Not only does it appear that Hollywood is in on this incestuous relationship with the Media and Washington DC...but also many of the computer services are as well...Google, Facebook...Twitter ...etc censor, steer, and herd American and Americans.

    Hollywood does not represent me ...And I don't think Hollywood is a good example or representation of America. Hollywood is not the automatic default setting for All of America. Neither too is the Media...nor Washington DC.

    It is clear to thinking Americans that they represent someone...just not America.

    And it is becoming more clear and to more Americans that there is an Incestuous relationship between Washington DC, Hollywood and the Main Stream Media/ "Herd" Americans in the direction they desire for us to go.

    I can now also add the NFL to this list...they too do not represent America by default in like manner to how Hollywood and the MSM are doing. And we see that the public has generously voted against the NFL with their remote controllers.

    It is very insulting to me to hear Speakers try to silently imply that New York and Hollywood are Represenative of America...the rest of the nation is "Flyover Country."

    What an insult to America and Americans....who can still think for themselves and do not desire to be "Herded."

    Americans voted very very differently from this in November 2016 and these groups cannot stand it. They are bouncing/ricocheting off the a pin ball.

    Now they are working hard to bully, intimidate, censor, and insult the rest of America into compliance with what they believe and want. And they are willing to manufacture chaos to get their way ...ala...BLM and Antifa.

    These two groups in particular Illustrated for me how far the left was willing to go to "Herd" and "Bully/Intimidate " America and Americans. And it is clear to me that this situation by, design, is going to become worse.

    In short..these incestuous groups are becoming Marxist in their beliefs and practices. And they are trying to dig themselves in as the new American Normal. Everything else is to be crushed and swept aside as they demand tolerance for themselves...but give none.

    At some point in time ....they will become too Left/Marxist for even liberals...if you can imagine that.

    But by then it may be to late.

    And that is why I post this kind of thinking.

    I also encourage people who can still think for themselves to quietly get the word out to others who can still think for themselves and not want to be "Herded" as to what is going on out here ...and they can in turn ...awaken others and so on and so on.

    To recognize and identify a pattern of what is happening to them and their children/grandchildren.


    Not an Ishmaelite.

  2. #12
    I'll most likely shit myself

    bacpacker's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by eagle326 View Post
    Thanks son. Wasn't me though ; It was those voices in my head you know.
    They wander out of the box sometimes.
    Well Pops I think those voices in your head are more spot on than damn near half, if not a LOT more, of this country.



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