Quote Originally Posted by orangetom1999 View Post
Walk in movies ended for me around here when they put up those signs wherein you could not carry concealed into a theater.

I have no interest in walking into gun free zone...as history demonstrates.

I will wait for them to come out on DVD and watch them. I like my movies too within reason. I do not worship these people as some kind of demi god or idol...not for me thanks.

Bingo..on their opinions....me too. I'll make up my own mind on these things and without Hollywood's help.

As for those signs. I never saw them so I always carry. Must have been the sunglasses

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Quote Originally Posted by eagle326 View Post
I haven't watched the Oscars in over 30 tears. It turned into a self serving circle jerk with the presenters and winners trying to bring the audience to some kind of orgasmic release. Perpetrating the belief that they are the sum total of the characters they play in their matrix.

While all the time never understanding that they're like monkeys in a circus there to perform as their masters dictate. The almighty wizard behind the curtain chuckles as how fool hearty and ignorant and pliable they are if you stoke their egos. Morals is and insult to them and their so called knowledge ; pleasures due them and the intelligence they told they have compared to the working masses.

Yet they live as the Roman empire did and know not that civilized man or to them the so called Barbarians are at their door just like Roman times. And when the day comes and the barbarians breech their inner sanctums they will plead for the same mercy and understanding that they wouldn't show before their downfall.

And it is this paradigm shift that shall shake the foundations of their empire and leave it and it's inhabitants buried in the rumble of their own sins and power. No longer to infest the world or it's people.

just my 2 cents
More like a roll-a-half dollars