Making your own silencer is not prohibited by state law in VA.
It is prohibited by federal law, if you don't first pay the tax stamp.
I've not been impressed with Federal law in a long time particular with the joke our pseudo leadership has made over the years of that very law for profit....lucre/politics. Also the current joke they are making out of the FBI and other alphabet support a whorish body politic.

And these guys are worried about me with a gun...and ammunition....Wow!! Or the knowledge I have because I don't watch the NFL OR NASCAR...or the Kardashians.

They need to be worried about me down at work...handing Uranium 235.

I did however have a interesting conversation with one of the security guards at work, also a member of the same gun club to which I belong, who told me this via his interaction with the local constabulary.

He told me that often in murder cases involving this kind of one time use...they know because of the plastic pieces/traces often found in the wound cavity. While I am not in the forensics profession ...I found that piece of info to be interesting.

As to lock one time there were many many people, like me, who had lock picks down at work. Today these people have been replaced with new calibers of folks who mostly know how to text message. They come to us when they have problems with their keys or locks...often I tell many of them no..I wont help them.

I did not learn these skills "Instantly." They need to learn to do something more than just text message.

My nightmare dream/scenario is to be stuck on the famous desert island with 400 people who mostly know how to blame other people and claim "victimhood" and or text message.
