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Thread: In praise of the P38 can opener....

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  1. #25
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2018
    chesapeake bay, virginia
    Gunfixr and others,

    I don't have much use for a suppressor/silencer. For most of what I need to do here in Suburbia..I can use .22 shorts.

    It is the basic knowledge which counts and makes the difference in our lives. What we know how to do and or adapt in a pinch.

    Not the attempts by the law to keep People Properly "Herded."

    I have little use for someone trying to "Herd" me...inside or outside of the law. I also don't have much use for or respect for two legged wildlife.

    I am the kind of fellow who can respect the motivations of four legged wildlife ...better than the two legged variety.

    Preppers.....preparing for SHTF Or TEOTWAWKI are not going to be concerned about the law....decency yes...but the law no..not necessarily ...and particularly if it only functions to properly and politically and or socially to "Herd" people by censorship or to prevent thinking.

    In SHTF or TEOTWAWKI it is going to be those who can think and function outside the box......who are going to do better than others who cannot so do.

    This means people who have better than a television and movie education. It is the knowledge which is going to make the difference to people out here..... not rules....regulations.....job security and or legalities...designed to herd people.

    It is the same in Natural Disasters....those who know more than television and movies...text messaging.....are going to do better than those who only know what all the Stars are doing or what is in fashion and out of fashion...or the gods of sports.

    It is the knowledge that is going to count....

    Taught myself Morse code from audio tapes...this continues to this day...

    Taught myself to reload....with help and advice from some olde timers at the gun club.

    Taught myself to take apart car engines and rebuild them...small engines as well.
    Lots of books on this topic line out there if one is willing to learn and apply it.

    Working on Submarines for so many years taught me how to work in very tight spaces and even modify and adjust tools for specific jobs..even one time use when modified.

    Taught myself how to build resonant antennas for transmitting as well as for receiving.

    Taught myself how to manufacture my own lock picks if need be and what works best in the manufacturing. How to make my own lock pick shims as well from .005 shim stock.

    One can teach ones self a lot of things/skills if one is so willing and has some basic disciplines to back it up. Not two legged undisciplined wildlife....hell bent on 'Instant Gratification."
    I taught myself to spot this kind and caliber of two legged wildlife very quickly...male and female both.

    There is not, in the foreseeable future, going to be a shortage of plastic bottles.....

    Had a chance to try out a friends suppressor on a 6.8 mm SPC AR rifle with very short barrel...a sort of CQB Set up...with a threaded barrel and suppressor. It was quiet sufficient to hear the buffer spring working in the stock.

    But that is a calibration I would prefer in a bolt action rifle...not an AR platform...6.8mm....6.5mm etc. etc.

    Suppressors require maintenance....and of course know how to get it properly done. Not insurmountable of course..and not rocket science.

    I bring this up in light of the information given to me by a fellow who worked for a gunsmith at one time.

    They would get in, in particular, certain Ruger Auto pistols. People would get them taken apart and then not be able to get them back together. I busted out laughing when he told me this story. He told me that they got sufficient number of them in so that they added to the tab..what they called "A stupid charge" to get them put back together for these people.
    More money then they have brains. These types of people need suppressors....definitely.
    They can send them to the gunsmith to be cleaned...and put back together for them.

    I have set aside die nuts and taps for 1/2 inch 28 thread and also a set of taps and dies for 5/8 24 threads per inch....just in case. Also thread files. I am also aware that there are other thread sizes and pitches in use.

    But the plastic bottle requires no hold liquids or for other uses with duct tape.

    And plastic bottles are everywhere today....everywhere.

    How many people today can even think it through to put water in a plastic bottle to get them through the day and reuse it....or for anything else with said plastic bottle???

    But how about those Kardashians!!!!???

    Thanks to all for their posts,

    Last edited by orangetom1999; 04-29-2018 at 12:55 PM.



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