There isn't much money to be made in trapping part time. People who have a registered line, and run it every day as their fulltime job can make some decent coin, but for the most part, the fur prices aren't that great. I do it mainly for nuisance control and for the excersise. rather than selling the hides, I generally make things out of them, of give them to friends.

Each year, I add a couple few traps to my collection and try to do a little bit more, but often it depends on time and work commitments. I don't put out any more than I can check on a daily basis, and considering for a good portion of the winter, I leave the house for work long before daylight, and don't return until well after dark, the last thing I want to be doing is wandering around the bush picking up animals covered in blood, with a jar of bait, and come across a timberwolf 5 feet away chowing down on a raccoon in a trap (again).

I do like to test my skills, in trapping, skinning, tanning, sign and scent recognition, and tracking, as I believe these are great skills to have for life, not just for SHTF.

I have an uncle who lives in the bush by himself all winter and runs a large RTL, he does ok, but he is getting to the age that he needs a snomobile to run it everyday, which drastically cuts down on his profit (fuel/maintenance)