Something I posted on another forum a couple weeks ago...

originally written, by me!

Being alergic to Wasps/yellow jackets and hornets, I'm always on the watch for nests, and the little beasties themselves. My kit is 'expired' but should still be good... I keep some antihistamines handy...and so far I've been lucky.

Until today.

while working in the yard, I was banging away on some railroad ties, and all of a sudden I am swarmed with hornets. quick decision... pond or house... I bolt for the house, shooing and swatting the whole way. Luckily I got inside without letting any in with me, unluckily... I got stung twice on the way in.

Both hits were on my left leg, one on the knee and one mid calf, and, 20 seconds later, both are swollen like golf balls.

Remembering something I picked up on my last trip to the states... I ran to my storage area and grab this little gadget:
Sawyer Extractor Pump Kit at ... r-pump-kit

It was still in the packaging, so I ripped it apart, fumbled with it for a few seconds, and applied it to the more painful of the two. within seconds there is a goodly amound of clear liquid, and some very pink runny liquid in the collector cap. I wiped that on my shirt quick, and apply to the other sting.

same result. back to the first, and as I'm holding it there, I start reading the instructions. The follow them (alternating between bites for 15 minutes) I got liquid out for about the first 4-5 applications on each, and then nothing. but I followed the instructions anyways.

After the 15 minutes... the swelling was down to almost nothing, my breathing was easier, and my tongue didn't feel quite so thick. sat quietly for another 15 minutes and felt back to normal. Well, normal for me - lol.

I'll be taking it easy for the remainder of the evening, keep the bp down, and watch for the telltale signs of anaphyllactic shock.

Incidentally, I had both my truck keys and my phone at the ready in case this thing didn't work.

But, I have to say... it worked like a charm, I can honestly say the reaction would have been much more severe without it!

It isn't something that I would carry on my person... but I think I will pick up a few more of them (truck kit, boat kit, camping kit, etc etc etc.)