OK, time for some updated pics. Here's the island that LadyHK designed. She took some of the old cabinets and repurposed (paint, glazed, sealed,etc.) them. Then I did the grunt work (electrical, central vac, uh yeah really) and put it all together. Cabinets are almost done waiting on THIRD set of panels. First set, wrong size. Second set, all scratched up on both sides. Also are pics of the pantry which used to be the laundry room. We gutted that and built new shelves to suit her needs. Lastly doing a little Tonka Toy work with my drainage issues with the driveway. Installed 40' of 12" pipe going toward shop. ripped out a 4" piece of useless PVC that was under the driveway and replaced with a 12" then used the 4" PVC as a french drain for the front of the shop's down spout.