"Mark my words. This war will be fought, not on the frontier, or some distant battlefield, but amongst us, among our homes. Our children will learn of it with their own eyes... and the innocent will die with the rest of us."-Benjamin Martin, in THE PATRIOT

Eagle, Chief... in these, and other matters, each of you are several times smarter than I am. You have seen the elephant, whereas most only look at the beast from the sidelines.

The days of the fat, dumb and happy are nearing a close, to where even a complete ijit could see civil war on the way.

Before I die, I think, and, if it is in the design of Providence, not the cause of my dying. So one may hope.

Thus prepping.

It galls and grieves, gentlemen, to note that, while the accuracy of your statements is high order, any who see it likely have some resentful crumb in their makeup that wishes that it is the uttermost foolishness and wrongheaded error, even though they see and understand.

It is so in every generation, as none wishes war in its time.

For what it is worth, I do think that the American Experiment is about to draw to a close. I have not heard of any nation in the past thousand years that was able to survive TWO civil wars.

Got a new radio and picked up another 15-22 magazine... Likely going to buy another 333 box of ammo, another flat of stew... and maybe dig out my old King James out of storage.

Be safe, check your sixes right regular... and if, in your several orisons, there is room for a kind word for scared old men trying to steel themselves for the oncoming storm, it would be appreciated.