Democide....death by democracy...death by ones own government.

Note this the next time a public schooled individual tries to play the blame game of religion behind the worst killing of people in history.

from R. J. Rummels wiki article on Democide..

His research shows that the death toll from democide is far greater than the death toll from war. After studying over 8,000 reports of government-caused deaths, Rummel estimates that there have been 262 million victims of democide in the last century. According to his figures, six times as many people have died from the actions of people working for governments than have died in battle.

262 million by their own governments in the last 100 years is a lot of people. this is a concept totally avoided in public schools and colleges and even in the news media supposedly not spinning and looking out for us.

Remember this too....

The last 100 years has been the time of Science replacing/eclipsing religion as the way to go....

Be warned of Science in bed with government/ will get mass herding techniques like Climate Change. Heavily prormoted in Colleges and Universities along with White Privilege....and other such blame games...guilt programming. attempt at group think....herding people into a controlled regulated voting block..the younger and dumber...less experienced and more emotional ..the better. They make better snowflakes.

It is my belief that someone out there is deliberately attempting to fractionate this country and it's people...and that politics financing public education in on it and the MSM too. Dividing this nation asunder.

I am concerned that heavily degreed intellects will enter politics raised on this zealous dogma of privilege and climate change and at some point conclude that the way to go is to thin the herd...via the blame game.

At the same time someone has privily snuck into the halls of power to promote internationalism and get rid of our way of life and he Constitution to be replaced with a World Class/United Nations charter...resulting also in the thinning of the herd...

In other words this nation and it's Europe and England ...our people will be expected and taken for granted that we work hard for first place in our country only to have our leadership cede it to non Americans via UN mandate....and we take second, third, and fourth place in our own country ....just as is being done in England and Continental Europe.
This is how an Ishmaelite put people into bondage.

I am convinced that this program would be well underway had Hillary and company won the election...for they are clearly Ishmaelites...and would have worked quickly to institute programs to limit more of peoples rights and liberties in the every category..while stealing the fruits of our labor.....bondage. not stop your preps...these people are still trying to run the show from the sidelines. You can tell by their vitriol and the hate they spew while demanding tolerance from everyone else. And the phony MSM is in on it as is much of our leadership in the Congress and the Alphabet agencies.

I also think this is going to get desperate between now and the mid term election and also in the 2020 election. It is so bad in the manufactured chaos department the news has become predictable and very tabloid like....even the fabeled Fox News....disgusting.

No longer days but tabloid ...good cop/bad cop....predictable.

My sometimes rabid .02,


Not an Ishmaelite.