Quote Originally Posted by bacpacker View Post
The left has already shown their colors. Hitlery and Holder reinforced their colors this week. If the left loses, badly in particular, I expect rioting to commence in some areas. But I don't see the whole country going up. Big cities, specially the big liberal cities though may be burned to the ground. That seems to be their MO at least to this point.
I do think the left has go unhinged and have cost themselves votes by their actions. The economy is stronger over all than it's been in years. People like havin money to spend on stuff they need. IMO Blacks and Hispanics are seeing that and some are looking at the difference from a black leader and someone who does more than talk a good game.

If they want to burn and destroy their shit in the bigger cities have at it while they kill each other off. Those in the big cities with the rose colored glasses on will come to rue the day they didn't prepare for that which was clearly before them for years.
As for me and mine ; stay out my A.O.and leave me alone. If not I'll become a younger me and visit the most painful assault on your mind and body that you believe doesn't exist. Leave my A.O. in peace for I'll have no mercy upon your soul.Or for that matter ; making examples of a slow painful exit from this world for your cohorts to witness.

Solitude has kept me in a peaceful mode for many years now. For the sake of all you love do not invade my solitude.

Run Low Drive On
