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Thread: What if?

  1. #1
    Senior Member

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    What if?

    I trust everyone on this forum will take part in the political process and vote wisely next month.

    The majority the political talk is of a blue wave sweeping the nation in the coming mid-term elections.

    What do you think will happen if the said blue wave fails to materialize? What if the republicans maintain control in both the house and the senate?

    Will we see major protests and disruptions? How widespread do you think it could be?

  2. #2
    Senior Member
    Illini Warrior's Avatar
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    the DNC has damaged itself soooooooooo completely that it'll be another 2012 election >>>> all kinds of regular DNC voters just staying home - if you were a moderate DNC voter or an independant that would have voted DNC >>> would you be voting for some of these guys????

  3. #3
    may be in trouble

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    My candor may get me swatted.

    I have been a Republican since Reagen.

    My thoughts on Trump were that he was the low hanging fruit, the drawer of fire from the left while the actual Republican got his or her act together. I was amazed that he got the nod, and I voted for him, 'cause damned well I was not voting for the female that I was sure was going to have me within a concentration camp within a year, had she the Presidency.

    The "blue wave" label will be stuck on to any gain made in decision '18 by the socialists errr democrats. As much fools they have made of themselves, the ridiculous attacks of Justice Kavanaugh and President Trump.... In my biased opinion, their oceanic tsunami of a wave will be more sized to a guppy gas-passing in a mud puddle. If anything, the GOP might actually be reinforced.

    Mind, this assumes an untampered-with process. Whether that happens is a conclusion best left to the reader.

    The aftermath? Well, we already have Portland more or less in Antifa's hands after the installation of Justice Kavanaugh. I fully expect every national-level election that the soc- err Democrats lose to be contested, be it narrow margin or wide. With or without rioting, I can't say, save that Antifa et al has only pulled their shenanigans in fairly liberal venues.

    Whatever you guys got to get done with preps, bugging out and/or sheltering in place, I counsel getting it done before the end of the month.

    Mind, this could just be the frightened yammer of a scared old man.

    But I bet a fair size % of prep families will be keeping kids @ home from school owing to "family emergencies" that happen the weekend before the election.


  4. #4
    I'll most likely shit myself

    bacpacker's Avatar
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    The left has already shown their colors. Hitlery and Holder reinforced their colors this week. If the left loses, badly in particular, I expect rioting to commence in some areas. But I don't see the whole country going up. Big cities, specially the big liberal cities though may be burned to the ground. That seems to be their MO at least to this point.
    I do think the left has go unhinged and have cost themselves votes by their actions. The economy is stronger over all than it's been in years. People like havin money to spend on stuff they need. IMO Blacks and Hispanics are seeing that and some are looking at the difference from a black leader and someone who does more than talk a good game.

  5. #5
    CC Gray Panther
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    Quote Originally Posted by bacpacker View Post
    The left has already shown their colors. Hitlery and Holder reinforced their colors this week. If the left loses, badly in particular, I expect rioting to commence in some areas. But I don't see the whole country going up. Big cities, specially the big liberal cities though may be burned to the ground. That seems to be their MO at least to this point.
    I do think the left has go unhinged and have cost themselves votes by their actions. The economy is stronger over all than it's been in years. People like havin money to spend on stuff they need. IMO Blacks and Hispanics are seeing that and some are looking at the difference from a black leader and someone who does more than talk a good game.

    If they want to burn and destroy their shit in the bigger cities have at it while they kill each other off. Those in the big cities with the rose colored glasses on will come to rue the day they didn't prepare for that which was clearly before them for years.
    As for me and mine ; stay out my A.O.and leave me alone. If not I'll become a younger me and visit the most painful assault on your mind and body that you believe doesn't exist. Leave my A.O. in peace for I'll have no mercy upon your soul.Or for that matter ; making examples of a slow painful exit from this world for your cohorts to witness.

    Solitude has kept me in a peaceful mode for many years now. For the sake of all you love do not invade my solitude.

    Run Low Drive On


  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by eagle326 View Post
    If they want to burn and destroy their shit in the bigger cities have at it while they kill each other off. Those in the big cities with the rose colored glasses on will come to rue the day they didn't prepare for that which was clearly before them for years.
    As for me and mine ; stay out my A.O.and leave me alone. If not I'll become a younger me and visit the most painful assault on your mind and body that you believe doesn't exist. Leave my A.O. in peace for I'll have no mercy upon your soul.Or for that matter ; making examples of a slow painful exit from this world for your cohorts to witness.

    Solitude has kept me in a peaceful mode for many years now. For the sake of all you love do not invade my solitude.

    Run Low Drive On


    EXCEPT >>>> it doesn't exist when it comes to voting - and that's what this posting is all about - put your head in a hole in the ground and let the DNC run cities do whatever they want >>> you get Ellisons, Obammys, Pelosi, Warrens, Bookers and the Clintons ...

  7. #7
    CC Gray Panther
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    Quote Originally Posted by Illini Warrior View Post
    EXCEPT >>>> it doesn't exist when it comes to voting - and that's what this posting is all about - put your head in a hole in the ground and let the DNC run cities do whatever they want >>> you get Ellisons, Obammys, Pelosi, Warrens, Bookers and the Clintons ...
    No problem Illini I never miss voting.

  8. #8
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    In addition to what I am getting on these boards...

    A lot of people have been texting me to say...."keep your S--t wrapped tight between now and election day."

    "head on a swivel."


    Not an Ishmaelites

  9. #9
    I'll most likely shit myself

    bacpacker's Avatar
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    Thats good advise OT. It carries everyday, but elections coming up, even more so.

  10. #10
    Do you have a robot?
    realist's Avatar
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    The vote is important even here in California. We have Newsom running who is worse than Jerry Brown our current governor, running against a guy named Cox. Newsom is a smug arrogant SOB assumes he will win by a landslide. It maybe wishful thinking but Cox is now 5 points behind in the polls. It would be a blessing if he were to get elected, the left would really loose their shit then. We can only hope.
    If it is predictable then it is preventable....... Gordon Graham

    So if it is predictable and preventable then you better prepare.



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