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Thread: Southern Invasion

  1. #1
    Bacon saver

    Brownwater Riverrat 13's Avatar
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    Southern Invasion

    Hope I didn't post this when someone might have started a thread. Yesterday I went to pick up my daughter (hour and a half drive) during the course of this little jaunt I listened to my local talk radio station. This is what I heard, the little people made it to the southern boarder of Mexico, got turned around, they regrouped and stormed the gate....uh, chain link fence. So in they came, our southern neighbors let them through without incident. Now I'm not getting into the details, just general statements here. We know who funded it (soros), the timing is with the mid-term elections. They will be coming to our border soon.
    Question number one. How many of the mexicans will join up with the "caravan" en route to our border? AND We know they will.
    Number two. What's our (current administration) plan to stop this invasion? Cause that's what it is.
    Number three. Will the POTUS send the military or not? It will take "thousands" of our best.
    Number four. What will be to ROE (rules of engagement) when said caravan meets our border? I recommend non-lethal ammo. Bean bags and rubber bullets/projectiles/BB's.
    Number five. Once they cross the border, will us Americans (border states) be protected?
    I could make the list longer.

    Comment: I/WE military folks swore an oath to protect and defend against ALL ENEMIES both foreign and domestic. I know we, whether retired, or having served less than 20 won't stand for it (I might be prone). Unless they had a sex change operation, got pacification training so as not to hurt the enemie's feelings. We have a very serious situation here ants. THIS IS NOT THE PREPS WHAT WE WERE EXPECTING. I know in the past we went full tilt boogie survivalist mode during our last administration. But today is a different story. This is a no shit shurllock moment for our country. We (me and LadyHK) are and have been ready for such an ordeal. Being in the middle of moving was not in the plan right now.

    REMEMBER! We don't, discuss things that are laid down in the SHTF site rule book, so tread lightly when responding. Suggestions and opinions we all have but stick with the site rules on this one. As the blood trickles down my lip from biting my safe, be ready. I'll be gorilla glued to the situation. OUT!
    Be safe.............the night is your friend.

  2. #2
    Bacon saver

    Brownwater Riverrat 13's Avatar
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    To reiterate, TREAD LIGHTLY when responding to this post. Thank you.
    Be safe.............the night is your friend.

  3. #3
    CC Gray Panther
    eagle326's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Brownwater Riverrat 13 View Post
    Hope I didn't post this when someone might have started a thread. Yesterday I went to pick up my daughter (hour and a half drive) during the course of this little jaunt I listened to my local talk radio station. This is what I heard, the little people made it to the southern boarder of Mexico, got turned around, they regrouped and stormed the gate....uh, chain link fence. So in they came, our southern neighbors let them through without incident. Now I'm not getting into the details, just general statements here. We know who funded it (soros), the timing is with the mid-term elections. They will be coming to our border soon.
    Question number one. How many of the mexicans will join up with the "caravan" en route to our border? AND We know they will.
    Number two. What's our (current administration) plan to stop this invasion? Cause that's what it is.
    Number three. Will the POTUS send the military or not? It will take "thousands" of our best.
    Number four.rojectiles/BB's. What will be to ROE (rules of engagement) when said caravan meets our border? I recommend non-lethal ammo. Bean bags and rubber bullets/p
    Number five. Once they cross the border, will us Americans (border states) be protected?
    I could make the list longer.

    Comment: I/WE military folks swore an oath to protect and defend against ALL ENEMIES both foreign and domestic. I know we, whether retired, or having served less than 20 won't stand for it (I might be prone). Unless they had a sex change operation, got pacification training so as not to hurt the enemie's feelings. We have a very serious situation here ants. THIS IS NOT THE PREPS WHAT WE WERE EXPECTING. I know in the past we went full tilt boogie survivalist mode during our last administration. But today is a different story. This is a no shit shurllock moment for our country. We (me and LadyHK) are and have been ready for such an ordeal. Being in the middle of moving was not in the plan right now.

    REMEMBER! We don't, discuss things that are laid down in the SHTF site rule book, so tread lightly when responding. Suggestions and opinions we all have but stick with the site rules on this one. As the blood trickles down my lip from biting my safe, be ready. I'll be gorilla glued to the situation. OUT!

    How many of the mexicans will join up with the "caravan" en route to our border? AND We know they will.

    1- Not just Mexicans ; Many middle easterners also . Thus multiplying their chances to sneak through because of work load. This is a planned invasion by Soros ; democratic leaders ; Deep State to torpedo the elections.

    2- What's our (current administration) plan to stop this invasion? Cause that's what it is.

    Military at border and stoppage of financial aid. That being said if Mexico doesn't stop them before border ; Trump's stance has been called . Either send troops and cut the money off and show them you don't bluff or do neither and risk losing your base come election time.

    3- Will the POTUS send the military or not? It will take "thousands" of our best.

    I've yet to see the man not back up his words with action. So I can see troops being sent unless those countries stop it before our border.

    4- What will be to ROE (rules of engagement) when said caravan meets our border? I recommend non-lethal ammo. Bean bags and rubber bullets/ p

    All of the above plus water ; tear gas ; sonic and micro wave weapons.

    5- Once they cross the border, will us Americans (border states) be protected?
    I could make the list longer.

    Hopefully ; but then this looks like a futile attempt of a Bonsai maneuver when the enemy knows it's losing.

    One's plans are tied to Murphy's law. Just when you think you're ahead of the game the rules and tactics change. Just like the majority of us you'll adapt and change as they do and plan for the next sequence of events just as you two did on active duty. That's all ; Over and out.

    Run Low Drive On

  4. #4
    may be in trouble

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    "Question number one. How many of the mexicans will join up with the "caravan" en route to our border? AND We know they will."

    I'd say equal to the size of the original caravan. And definitely tangos will be infiltrated. Whatever the media says the size is, 250% it, cuz the 4th is gonna lie to make it appear smaller.

    "Number two. What's our (current administration) plan to stop this invasion? Cause that's what it is."

    At present, and as has already been stated, money going away and troops.

    "Number three. Will the POTUS send the military or not? It will take "thousands" of our best."

    See #2.

    "Number four. What will be to ROE (rules of engagement) when said caravan meets our border? I recommend non-lethal ammo. Bean bags and rubber bullets/projectiles/BB's."

    As do I... this final time.

    "Number five. Once they cross the border, will us Americans (border states) be protected?"


    Comment: For all of me I do NOT understand why the Border Patrol hans't had seconded to them a couple of flights of nonlethal rigged Predators out of Nellis/Creech years ago.

  5. #5
    Bacon saver

    Brownwater Riverrat 13's Avatar
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    Concur with all inputs. Most of which I have heard and seen on the news of Trump's proposed actions. For all those who have ham radio and can monitor HF, now would be a good time to monitor the bands. Other than it's fuckin cold and windy outside, I won't be standing outside with a hand held. I haven't broke down my antennas yet for the move. Time to contact some of my sources within the military to get the pulse of our current plans within the ranks. More to follow on that one.

    We all kinda went through this a few years ago. Had a lot of chatter about the exercise "Jade Helm", we did on the border states that people questioned. Not naming names but....Now does it seem relevant to you?

    How fast will they mobilize? PDQ, a matter of days not weeks to be there. Just wondering what the barrier plan will be.
    Be safe.............the night is your friend.

  6. #6
    Bacon saver

    Brownwater Riverrat 13's Avatar
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    Just to wake the dead threads in the archives, search the below line to see our discussion. I cut and pasted the original post. Take it from there.
    Realistic Military Training (RMT) JADE HELM 15 (15JUL-15SEP15) In your town?

    Here's a little FYI for those of you who live in the following states, Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, California, Nevada, Utah and Colorado. It's also for everyone else to ponder..............

    Instead of posting the power point presentation I'll cut and paste the meat of each slide. If you want the power point I'll post the link at the bottom along with another with a story from "Freedom Outpost's" website about the exercise. There are links from small towns in Texas with local news about their "views" on the event. I think you all will find this interesting. This to me is prep related, for those who live OP areas it would be some serious intell gathering ops for you. Have at it ANTs!

    US Army Special Operations Command
    Request to Conduct
    Realistic Military Training (RMT)
    JADE HELM 15

    The Commander of United States Army
    Special Operation Command (USASOC)
    seeks a written invitation and approval
    from local officials to conduct Realistic
    Military Training (RMT) within their
    jurisdictions for joint military exercise,
    JADE HELM 15 (JH15)

    What is Realistic Military Training
    • Realistic Military Training (RMT) is training conducted outside of
    federally owned property. The RMT process is designed to ensure
    proper coordination between DOD representatives and local and
    regional authorities. The process includes the following
    – Risk Assessment, Medical, and Communications Plans
    – MOU, MOA, and Licensing agreements (training areas, staging
    areas, role players)
    – Legal Review
    – ID of training, staging areas, role players, airfield, drop zones
    (DZ) and Landing Zones (LZ) surveys
    – Letters of Invitations obtained from local officials (Mayor,
    County Commission)
    – Coordination with local, state and federal law enforcement
    – Public Affairs Review

    What is JADE HELM
    • JH is a challenging eight-week joint military and
    interagency (IA) Unconventional Warfare (UW)
    exercise conducted throughout Texas, New
    Mexico, Arizona, California, Nevada, Utah and
    • JH is a US Special Operations Command
    (USSOCOM) sponsored exercise to improve the
    Special Operations Forces' UW capability as part
    of the National Security Strategy
    • JH 15 will run from 15 July through 15 September

    Who and Where
    • Participants:
    – US Army Special Forces Command (Green Berets)
    – US Navy SEALS
    – US Air Force Special Operations Command
    – USMC Marine Special Operations Command
    – USMC Marine Expeditionary Units
    – 82nd Airborne Division
    – Interagency Partners
    • Exercise Locations within Texas:
    – Bastrop/Smithville, Big Springs, Caddo Lake, Caldwell, Christoval,
    College Station, Dell City, Eldorado, Goliad, Junction, Leakey,
    Menard, Mountain Home, San Angelo, San Antonio, and Victoria

    Page 6 Map designates states which are considered
    Red: Hostile
    Blue: Permissive
    Brown: Uncertain (Leaning Hostile)
    Light Blue: Uncertain (Leaning Friendly)

    Why Texas
    • The United States Special Operations Command (USSOCOM)
    has conducted numerous exercises in Texas, because Texans are
    historically supportive of efforts to prepare our soldiers, airmen,
    marines and sailors to fight the enemies of the United States.
    • To hone advanced skills, the military and Interagency require large
    areas of undeveloped land with low population densities with
    access to towns. The proposed areas offer the conditions
    conducive to quality training because of real obstacles to
    challenge Joint and IA personnel during planning and execution of
    their tasks. These challenges include:
    – Operating outside the normal support mechanisms
    – Adapting to unfamiliar terrain, social and economic conditions
    – Operating in and around communities where anything out the
    ordinary will be spotted and reported (Locals are the first to
    notice something out of place)
    – The opportunity to work with civilians to gain their trust and an
    understanding of the issues

    JH Impact on the Area
    • Over 1,200 service members will participate in JADE HELM
    15 throughout Texas to include the training unit, operational
    support personnel, and opposing force personnel.
    • Anticipate minimal physical impact on given area due to the
    large area of operations
    • Funding identified for this portion of the exercise will go
    straight into the economy in the way of supplies, food, fuel,
    lodging, and services for exercise participants
    • Estimated economic impact of JADE HELM is approximately
    $150,000.00 into the local economy

    What to Expect
    • Increased military presence
    – Increased aircraft in the area at night
    – May receive noise complaints
    – Some individuals may conduct suspicious activities
    designed to prepare them for complex environments
    – Local LEO's are fully aware of the exercise
    – Local footprint will be 60-65 personnel
    – Personnel may be carrying weapons with blank ammo
    – Some participants will be wearing civilian attire and driving
    civilian vehicles

    Safety Measures
    • Safety for civilians and exercise participants is our number one
    – Daily communications between DOD and LEA
    – Medics located with each element
    – Coordination with Life Flight and local medical facilities
    – Exercise Support Team with communications
    – Clear marking of exercise participants / Use of key words to determine
    exercise participation
    – Thorough Risk Mitigation Assessment
    – Coordination with local residents (verbal and written)
    – Fire conditions reviewed prior to each scenario
    – Fire extinguisher and other equipment located at each site
    – Public Affairs Office will make public announcement regarding exercise

    Questions / Concerns??????



    US Army Special Operations Command

    Mr. Thomas Mead
    JADE HELM Operations
    WK: 910-396-9831/6316
    Cell: 910-391-1137
    Mr. Francisco Oquendo Jr
    JADE HELM Operations Planner
    WK: 910 396-9831/6316
    Cell: 910 916-0821

    Power point

    Be safe.............the night is your friend.

  7. #7
    may be in trouble

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    Interesting datum... apparantly this 'trudging up to the border' crap is just that, crap. One of the talkshows down here reported that the caravan folks are being transported by van and truck, and trotted out on foot and looking pitiable only for the cameras.

    Smells to high heaven of Soros.

  8. #8
    Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kesephist View Post
    Interesting datum... apparantly this 'trudging up to the border' crap is just that, crap. One of the talkshows down here reported that the caravan folks are being transported by van and truck, and trotted out on foot and looking pitiable only for the cameras.

    Smells to high heaven of Soros.
    Hah! Exactly what I told my coworker this morning.

    Sent from my S41 using Tapatalk

  9. #9
    For the Love of Cats

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    You know... it's actually pathetic, how intent my 'friends' are at protecting their Southern border coming in, but allowing their trash to freeflow North. *sigh*
    Give a man fire, and he'll be warm for a day!
    Light a man on fire, and he'll be warm for the rest of his life!

    Cat's are food... not friends!

    If you're going to fight, then fight like you're the third monkey on the ramp into Noah's arc... and brother, it's starting to rain.

  10. #10
    Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kesephist View Post
    Interesting datum... apparantly this 'trudging up to the border' crap is just that, crap. One of the talkshows down here reported that the caravan folks are being transported by van and truck, and trotted out on foot and looking pitiable only for the cameras.

    Smells to high heaven of Soros.

    they are showing semi trucks loading up - flatbed fulls racing each other north to dump and reload >>>> somebody is paying a good buck $$$$ for these trucks - looks like they are contracted for the job ....



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