"Question number one. How many of the mexicans will join up with the "caravan" en route to our border? AND We know they will."

I'd say equal to the size of the original caravan. And definitely tangos will be infiltrated. Whatever the media says the size is, 250% it, cuz the 4th is gonna lie to make it appear smaller.

"Number two. What's our (current administration) plan to stop this invasion? Cause that's what it is."

At present, and as has already been stated, money going away and troops.

"Number three. Will the POTUS send the military or not? It will take "thousands" of our best."

See #2.

"Number four. What will be to ROE (rules of engagement) when said caravan meets our border? I recommend non-lethal ammo. Bean bags and rubber bullets/projectiles/BB's."

As do I... this final time.

"Number five. Once they cross the border, will us Americans (border states) be protected?"


Comment: For all of me I do NOT understand why the Border Patrol hans't had seconded to them a couple of flights of nonlethal rigged Predators out of Nellis/Creech years ago.