Quote Originally Posted by orangetom1999 View Post
I feel for those people living in Tijuana...they do not want them there as well. A huge strain on resources.

Someone did a smart thing in steering that caravan to the border at Tijuana...instead of Arizona, New Mexico and Texas.

I suspect that many of the other locations in the other states have even fewer resources than Tijuana.

Either way this is a bad situation for the people in the caravan as well as us here in America.

Americans are getting tired of both political parties trying to promote this stuff with the expectation that the American Taxpayer totally subsidize it to the point that these people get taken care of better than the American Taxpayer.

I suspect that many European and English taxpayers are in the same boat but have fewer outlets by which to vent their views than we here in America....so regulated and controlled is both their internet and MSM.
I also believe that is precisely what is planned for here in America ....more controlled and regulated internet and MSM.
Ishmaelites run amok.

I do not trust the MSM here in America on this at all.

My non Ishmaelite .02,

the caravan doubled the distance crossing Mexico - instead of taking the Gulf route to Texas - because they wanted to use CA The Sanctuary State in their blackmailing scheme >>>> they didn't think Prez Trump would take such a severe stance and thought the CA pussies would tear the wall down for them - somebody thought WRONG and screwed up big time ....

the CA part of the border has very few civilian militia groups backing up the Border Patrol - fewer NG troops also >>>>> the TX & AZ section is covered heavy and people are ready to shoot ....