The Deep State international...but what is often missing from the knowledge is that the International means British Crown Monopoly. This does not mean the King or Queen of England....the Crown means the international money monopoly..the Crown Merchants operating out of Olde London...the one square mile area...fenced in in Olde London.

This group have no allegiance to any nation or code but their own.....profit. And they have been in existence since ancient times....but in more modern and influential times since the 1600s.

Merkel & Macron are figureheads....boot lackeys....placed there to be used/controllers for the real owners..and so too have been every President we have had going back to Teddy Roosevelt and perhaps before.

Any President we've had who did not go along was either killed or spoken badly about by a compliant and obedient press/media. Woodrow Wilson turned against them and they tried to poison him...unsuccessfully. His wife Edith Gault Wilson ran the White House and controlled who and when anyone came in to see and speak to him...until he finished out his term. Edith Gault Wilson....saved his life...and was in a manner of speaking the defacto President of the United States until the end of Wilson's term.
And after he left office we hardly hear about Woodrow Wilson in history.
In certain books and writings also appears that Franklin Delano Roosevelt turned on the Deep State as well...after four terms in office...resulting in his death.

also ...

I also believe that Nixon turned on them and tried to end the Vietnam war and thus ruin their profits....
They had to get rid of Nixon....but they had just recently killed Kennedy and a repeat would have dangerously exposed they went the Watergate route....for impeachment...resulting in Nixon's resignation.
And you hardly heard from or about Nixon in the years since....just like Woodrow Wilson.

And this current President... Donald J. particularly disliked from day the left ..the public education and the Deep State boot well as Hollywood boot lackeys.

England has been caught in her own making after selling the very souls of her nation and people to the Continent and the Common Market and are trying to get out of it. Theresa May is trying to keep Brexit in name only and thus pissing off a lot of Englishmen who can see their way through this charade.

Theresa May Merkel and Macron is a puppet have been every Prime Minister going back before Benjamin Disraeli.

And Benjamin Disraeli was to write about this secret nature going on in English government over 100 years his novel "Coningsby."

The money powers in the United States and England have gone back to their olde games after backing a mistake in financing the Nationalist Socialist Workers Party ...the NAZIS...leading to WW2. Their creation turned on them. So too their creation Japan.

And it is also they who have been backing Soviet Russia....from day one....with the October Revolution of 1917...

It is also they who got Nixon into opening the doors to China after a bout of Ping Pong Diplomacy ...

China today is their creation....and I believe at some point they are going to turn on China before China turns on them.

What they did not count on was Donald J, throw a stick in their spokes.

I am asking myself if it is true what I am thinking about Trump and Company ....whether they are writing their memoirs to be carefully controlled and published after and if they survive the office....and released to the public. They will have to carefully select their publisher as most book houses and publishers are in the controlled Deep State....just as did Anthony go out of the USA to get his books published...because the Deep State closed off Stateside routes to Anthony Sutton...for he was clearly hitting to close to the bull's-eye about the Deep State control over our government.
And Anthony Sutton died suddenly and mysteriously after his books were published.

Interesting times...I believe is the basis of the Chinese expression or statement.


Not an Ishmaelite.