Quote Originally Posted by Socalman View Post
Agreed that grouping is prime. You need to have a larger group available to protect the area. A small family of 4 can not keep watch 24/7 for long. A group of families becomes a clan or small tribe and has enough manpower resource to provide the needed security.

the worse thing a neighborhood/subdivision can do is let the looters/arsonist drive in from the road - they want to keep their everyday MO of making a fast dismount & score with the vehicle close by for a get away - take that from them and they start looking elsewhere >>>> it's why gated communities work - they could walk in if they wanted - lazy & cowardly ...

secondly is for each homeowner to follow the "law" of only defending their home from the door step - they'll pick each home off one by one and most likely burn as they go >>>> even if you need to fight a withdrawl from a barricade that was out gunned - it's still better to fight as a group ....