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Thread: 5 Things You Need to Do When There’ll Be No Rule of Law

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    For the Love of Cats

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    5 Things You Need to Do When There’ll Be No Rule of Law

    From hereL

    Mention a dystopia to most people and they’ll probably think of Nineteen Eighty-Four, the Thought Police and Big Brother. That’s understandable, because there are worrying hints of it in our own society – are ideas like no-platforming, safe spaces and misgendering really so different from wrong-thinking and thought-crime? – but there’s a different kind of dystopia that’s a lot more common. Unfortunately it’s just as scary.

    The word dystopia itself just means a society that’s unpleasant or frightening. That can mean a brutal, highly centralized authoritarian state like the one ruled by Big Brother’s Party (Orwell modeled it on the Soviet Union under Stalin) – but it can also mean a society where the rule of law has broken down (WROL – without the rule of law), and that’s a lot more common in the world today. For every North Korea there are half a dozen collapsed societies like Somalia or Pakistan. And, while it’s difficult to impose a one-party state and organize things to the point where you have absolute control over what people do and even think, it’s easy for a society to collapse. A natural disaster can do it – think New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina.

    Of course, that didn’t last; New Orleans is one city in a big, advanced country and the rule of law was quickly restored. But what if the government was weaker, or society was less stable to begin with? Or what if it isn’t one single event that causes the collapse, but years of neglect? Many countries are a disputed election or an economic crisis away from collapse – and there are even parts of the USA where the rule of law is too fragile to be taken for granted.

    First Things First: Social Breakdown
    If there’s one thing guaranteed to reduce a society to chaos, more or less instantly, it’s a sudden absence of cops. It doesn’t matter what kind of society it was to start with. For example, Canada is famously peaceful and friendly. What happened when the cops walked out? Nothing good:

    “As a young teenager in proudly peaceable Canada during the romantic 1960s, I was a true believer in Bakunin’s anarchism. I laughed off my parents’ argument that if the government ever laid down its arms all hell would break loose. Our competing predictions were put to the test at 8:00 A.M. on October 17, 1969, when the Montreal police went on strike. By 11:20 A.M. the first bank was robbed. By noon most downtown stores had closed because of looting. Within a few more hours, taxi drivers burned down the garage of a limousine service that competed with them for airport customers, a rooftop sniper killed a provincial police officer, rioters broke into several hotels and restaurants, and a doctor slew a burglar in his suburban home. By the end of the day, six banks had been robbed, a hundred shops had been looted, twelve fires had been set, forty carloads of storefront glass had been broken, and three million dollars in property damage had been inflicted, before city authorities had to call in the army and, of course, the Mounties to restore order.”

    Unfortunately, police strikes are more likely than they’ve ever been, especially in the USA. Cops are under a lot of strain, and the media are against them right now. What happens if there’s an officer involved shooting, and under pressure from the media and far-left activists like BLM the officer is arrested? Is it that hard to believe the police could snap and walk out? And as soon as criminals realize the cops have gone home all hell would break loose.

    In Montreal in 1969, the main problem was simple crime. Now there are political extremists to worry about, too. “Anti-fascist” protesters like Black Bloc are saying it’s acceptable to use violence against Nazis, and their definition of “Nazi” includes pretty much anyone right of Bernie Sanders. If you have a Trump 2016 bumper sticker, and suddenly the law isn’t being enforced, there are people out there who’ll take the chance to have a go at you – and your car, and your home, and maybe your family too. They’ll see this as the perfect chance to get revenge for all the imaginary wrongs you’ve done them, and maybe “redistribute” your property to “the people” – meaning themselves.

    So, what can you do if law and order suddenly disappears and your area becomes a free for all?
    What you can’t do is tool up and go on a mission to clear the streets of crime. There’s a good chance the law will be re-imposed at some point and people will be called to account for what they’ve done – and, as a law-abiding citizen, you’re more likely to get caught up in that net than someone from a gang or a far-left group.

    What you need to do is take steps to protect yourself and everything that matters to you, but make sure that you can justify them later. That means your aim is to avoid confronting the lawless elements, but be ready to defend yourself if a confrontation is forced on you.

    #1 Blend In
    The first thing is try to blend in. If you and your home don’t stand out you’ll attract a lot less attention, and that can be all it takes to avoid being attacked. If there are leftist mobs rioting in the streets they’re going to focus on any home that looks like conservatives live there, so at the first hints of trouble you should do an outside check to make sure you aren’t being conspicuous. It might be tempting to make a visible show of support for the cops, president or whatever, but is that worth the risk of attracting attacks?

    #2 Bug In
    Another good way to avoid confrontations is to just stay at home as much as possible while the crisis is going on. This is one of the best arguments for being a prepper – you should already have the food supplies and other resources you need for this. If you don’t, now is a good time to start. There’s no point leaving it until a crisis is developing, because the stores will be full of people panic buying. Joining the last-minute shopping frenzy is actually a good way to get into trouble, because tempers will be flaring and you can expect outbreaks of violence as people fight over the last stocks of food. You’re much better off sitting that out in a well-stocked home.

    The same applies to all the other essentials of life. If you already have medical supplies and plenty of ammo at home, you can fall back on those reserves and avoid the disintegrating outside world. If you have a generator and a water source you won’t need to worry about failing utilities (but keep the generator inconspicuous).

    #3 Self-defense
    In the worst case, though, you’re going to have to defend yourself. Don’t trust to luck on this; be prepared. Firstly, plan things out. Decide on a safe room for your family in the event of a home invasion or a riot outside. The best option for this is a room with solid walls and only one way in – a room at the end of a corridor is ideal, because you can cover the approaches. Clear the corridor of any heavy furniture that attackers can use as cover. Also try to choose a room that has one way in but an extra way out – for example a second-floor room with a rope ladder fixed below the window. If attackers set fire to your home that gives you a quick escape route.

    Stay aware of what’s happening in your home. Keep the family together as much as you can, and do regular security checks to make sure windows and doors are secure – especially if you have kids.

    #4 Carry A Gun At All Times
    When rule of law has gone carry a firearm everywhere – even if you’re just going to the restroom. If a mob breaks down the front door you don’t have time to go pick up the handgun you left in the kitchen, so it needs to stay on your belt. If you need to go outside, carry at all times – but not openly. That will just mark you out as a target. Have a concealed handgun on you, and a long gun hidden but easily accessible in your car – under a jacket on the floor works.

    #5 Comply With The Rules
    Even though the rule of law has broken down, try to keep within the rules as much as you can. That could make your life a lot easier when order is restored. If your home was attacked and you used deadly force to defend it, that shouldn’t cause you much trouble – but forming a posse and hunting down the bad guys might be a bit harder to explain.

    Be Ready!
    Like most disasters, civil disorder is easier to survive if you’re ready for it. For most preppers this shouldn’t be a huge challenge. Just be prepared to fall back on your own resources, keep your head down and wait it out.
    Give a man fire, and he'll be warm for a day!
    Light a man on fire, and he'll be warm for the rest of his life!

    Cat's are food... not friends!

    If you're going to fight, then fight like you're the third monkey on the ramp into Noah's arc... and brother, it's starting to rain.

  2. #2
    Do you have a robot?
    realist's Avatar
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    Interesting acritical from Canada. The one big thing about the article is it didn't take long for the Canadian legislature to pass a law and order the police back to work. In the United States many states already have the prohibition against police officers striking to prevent situations just like this. You may see a "Blue Flu" but there will still be a police presence, those on duty will most likely be paid overtime! So, to the local economy it would only be an economic impact and things would go on. Depending upon were you are in the US this may be different. Now in a major incident, civil unrest or a natural disaster it is quite easy for local for law enforcement to be overwhelmed by the situation. Mutual aid and or the state police would be called in to assist. Having been in this situation this is not just a couple of cops from an outside area. During the fires in our area in 2017 we had 250 peace officers each day to supplement local law enforcement. If the situation were to continue to overwhelm law enforcement then the National Guard would be called up, of course this would take time. So, there would be a short time, a couple days (a lifetime if you are involved) at most to call them up. Now there is Posse Comitias, so the military would not make any arrests, there would be police officers with the National Guard to make any arrests.

    In many areas the power was out for three days to two weeks. We found aside from being prohibited from going into the fire areas by roadblocks life went on. However, order was established right away with some individual incidents of looting. Now for long term over a month, things might be different. One big thing is we live in a semi-urban area so there is a large police presence. In the event this were to happen in a very rural area the mutual aid might not have been so robust.

    So, what do you do? In our situation we stayed put while others left the area. One thing I did was rethink my plan A and B to add a C and D. The fire came at us from three different directions so, my original plan to go north was blocked. I found many around me went west to the coast. This is something I had not considered since the roads were so restricted. What I learned is don’t rule anything out for evacuation. Run the routes, know your surrounds but map out the compass points. Whether you stay or go, it is your decision and you will never know if it works until it is truly tested.
    If it is predictable then it is preventable....... Gordon Graham

    So if it is predictable and preventable then you better prepare.

  3. #3
    Bacon saver

    Brownwater Riverrat 13's Avatar
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    Given our current situation (living in the country) I would expect the initial impact of said scenario to take a little while before it reached to our rural areas. Giving us dumb country folks a little time to rearrange and load up some extra gear and make sure families are taken care of before the idiots from town make their way to eternal fate......well I mean if it goes that way.

    Seriously, all of this spins around your current geographic location. Your actions will be controlled as the situation dictates. Always have a contingency........B, C, D, etc.
    Be safe.............the night is your friend.

  4. #4
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    #1 is to get grouped up the best you can - block off any unauthorized entry to your town/subdivision/neighborhood >>>> rioters/arsonists and looters are your lazy cowardly welfare azzholes - if they can't ride right up to the door they'll just keep going - same same armed blockade is a definite deterent - they aren't dismounting and battling when there's a wide open invitation down the road ....

    in the UK when the Muslims were burning every car in site and setting whole parts of the city on fire >>>> neighborhoods showed up at their barricades armed only with pushbrooms - their homes didn't burn ... if you didn't follow the looting in Baltimore and St Louis - same exact thing - the national chains can't be seen having armed security guards - better off seeing their stores looted & burned ....

    under Bugging In >>>> you need to be prepped to cover those windows & doors - arson is a big worry - keep those flaming cocktails outside - don't allow the a-holes to Zippo your curtains & furniture thru a broken window ....

    you should have a fire fighting plan - equipped to handle a house fire without a fire department response - worst worry is a house to house spread down the street - part of your plan should include wetting down the roof and keeping a steady sprinkling if the flaming embers start flying ....

  5. #5
    Senior Member

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    Agreed that grouping is prime. You need to have a larger group available to protect the area. A small family of 4 can not keep watch 24/7 for long. A group of families becomes a clan or small tribe and has enough manpower resource to provide the needed security.
    Last edited by Socalman; 02-19-2019 at 05:58 PM. Reason: spelling error

  6. #6
    Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Socalman View Post
    Agreed that grouping is prime. You need to have a larger group available to protect the area. A small family of 4 can not keep watch 24/7 for long. A group of families becomes a clan or small tribe and has enough manpower resource to provide the needed security.

    the worse thing a neighborhood/subdivision can do is let the looters/arsonist drive in from the road - they want to keep their everyday MO of making a fast dismount & score with the vehicle close by for a get away - take that from them and they start looking elsewhere >>>> it's why gated communities work - they could walk in if they wanted - lazy & cowardly ...

    secondly is for each homeowner to follow the "law" of only defending their home from the door step - they'll pick each home off one by one and most likely burn as they go >>>> even if you need to fight a withdrawl from a barricade that was out gunned - it's still better to fight as a group ....



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