We just bag our excess peppers and freeze them whole. No blanching for us.

Our garden this year has mostly been a failure. I was late getting most everything out, even stuff I started under a grow light was very late. We've had plenty of okra, cukes and jalapenos. Bell pepper, melons, and maters were slim to non existant. Onions all lived, but never got much size. They do taste good. Squash didn't do much other than the butternuts. Picked a dozen or so of them and they lasted maybe a week before they molded and melted down. We have 1 left. Kind of discouraging.
Blue berries did fantastic, my pears got raided again this year, as did my apple and pawpaws. I'm just about over the wildlife. This would have been our first pawpaws and they were large, would have been our largest apple crop. And the pears were loaded down. We didn't get a single one.