Quote Originally Posted by ak474u View Post
I wouldn't rule out a fire set by a jihadi type yet. First day of Holy Week, and their love of desecrating Christian history, as well as recent attacks on churches in Europe, I wouldn't be surprised.

I would not rule out a jihadi....as well.................however....

Be very careful about this...for there are westerners out here and they have been operating for centuries who do not like Christianity and even hate Christianity....and some of them are in leadership positions. And some of these westerners are very influential and well financed...capable of concealing what they do behind proxy groups.

This for the purpose of getting a nation to fight amongst itself...and thus destroy it internally....by carefully managed strife.
This is not new in history as well.

There is more to this but for now this will suffice.

Concerning this by backpacker..

My first question was terrorism. But I've saw a couple of reports that there was work being done on the place.

I would expect that in a building this big and this olde ...that there is almost always work being done on it somewhere.

I have been to this building many many years ago....when I was a child. It is a large and thick walled building down at the base...with many graves in the floor of it.

It was cold inside in July when our family visited. It also has that olde musty damp smell in it for which I remember.

The Louvre museum in Paris...also had that olde musty smell in it from ages of dampness.

My non Ishmaelite .02,
