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Thread: Where is everyone at

  1. #21
    Walking on Sunshine

    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Mid Michigan
    Been hiding out after Easter festivities. Getting ready to replace the 30+ yr old windows and french door in living room, should be here mid May. DH is getting the trim boards for casements ready and clearing out the garage. It's looking so good, he(I) can actually find stuff now LOL. The lawn guys did the spring clean up last week and when they did the mulch, they put in edging so it looks really good and contains the mulch. Been starting the next round of estate/ garage sales. Have been keeping my eye out for some decent cast iron, a couple of sales coming up with a pretty good "stock" of cast iron, so hopefully I can snag a couple of Dutch ovens reasonably before the pickers glom onto it. Went to one last week, a lady and I were practically knocked over by some guy(picker) going for the vintage aprons. We were walking up the stairs when the dude pushed past us and started snagging the really cute ones. Told her I've seen him at some of the sales and he's real a jerk. Then one of the pickers got caught changing tags on some books and got kicked out without the things he wanted. Owner of the company running the sale almost called the police on him. DH and I had lunch with his brother while we were down there, he's been redoing his house. His bathroom and kitchen are done now. Many phone calls between us and him over the last couple of months discussing the renovations. Seems we've done enough renos over the years, that DH's (older) brothers call him for advice. I think I mentioned hot water heater is in and running well. Next project is fencing in the little area I want to corral the grands, HA HA.Seriously I want to put a green house in but don't want it too "available" to neighbors,IF you know what I mean. AND I'm officially OLD. Had to sign up for Medicare last month. Now commences the fight with them for my meds. I'm on the generics for most but the pre diabetes is a name brand that IS WORKING. So I expect Medi don't care will try to put me on something that won't work because the stuff I'm on will be too expensive. Other than that we're doing good and looking forward to a trip down to see the grands and Son, DIL1 sometime this summer. DH wants to stop in Knoxville on the way down to visit a cemetery that has some of his family in it. Been doing a lot on Ancestry. He was able to find out where some of his parents family disappeared to.Have heard from my niece, they are doing good still some bad days but the good days are increasing. They had an anonymous person give them an envelope full of cash, she said the note in it said for them to go to a good restaurant for Easter dinner. She has been going thru grand nephew's toys and things and donating them. His urn is coming along and they found a company that is NOT charging them an arm and leg for it.Hopefully when they do the memorial service ,DH and I can go.

  2. #22
    Bacon saver

    Brownwater Riverrat 13's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Posted a quick thread, glad to be up and running with minimal speed but we are working on it. Soooo happy , sniff sniff. I'll bring you all up to speed soon, have to go pick up truck and then run a diagnostic with my new toy to work all the bugs out with new sensors on a 1999 SUBURBAN! Stupid shit. But this will keep Mr. Goodwrench out of my pocket, setting my timing, relearning sensors, bullshit. Glad to be back see your bright shiney posts!
    Be safe.............the night is your friend.



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