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Thread: Are you ready for a medium SHTF event?

  1. #1
    looking at their tools while posting pictures of mine.
    Domeguy's Avatar
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    about 20 minutes outside Lynchburg, TN...but which way...

    Are you ready for a medium SHTF event?

    Ok, what’s a medium SHTF event... well, a light event would be power out in your McMansion and surrounding community for a couple of days. Maybe a storm, maybe a transformer blew at the substation. So, no latte in the morning, maybe have to grill out to save some food in the big deal.

    Now, what’s a big SHTF, well, complete government shutdown, roving hordes of thugs, military showing up at your door to take all your guns and stored food, a super volcano, EMP, Hillary being elected President, Nuclear War, you get the picture.

    But for a medium SHTF, what would that be? Maybe something where martial law is being inforced. A dawn to dusk curfew, with orders to shoot. No trucks delivering to Walmart. No retirement, SSI, Welfare, checks, bankers closed. Not any government assistance of any kind...local, state, or federal. No municipal water supply or electricity. It’s just you, maybe you have a family, a community, a larger system already in place.........and this goes on at least 6 months to no longer than 1 year.

    Now here is my question...answer honestly, on a scale of 1-10, 1 being you die within 3 days, 10 being you will still be sipping your two olive martini by the pool after 1 year, where do you think you will fit. You can give your number only if you want if you don’t want to give away any secrets, or you can show us on mapquest where your bunker is. It’s up to you. I’ll go first.

    I give myself along with my wife an 8.

    My strength is we have a yrs supply of food, an plenty of water with several artisan springs within 1/4 mile of the house. Plenty of weapons and ammo, first aide supplies, lots of wild game in area, wood stove to cook and heat, natural cooling from thermal chimney, bicycles with trailers for transportation, HAM radio, surrounded in the woods, very few know I’m up here, plenty of solar toys, not a full system, but enough to run my refrigerator/freezer and some indoor lights, Friends nearby. Others I may have forgotten.

    Weakness...well, Ive never actually killed an animal for food. I know in theory how to gut and process a deer, but I’ve never done it. I don’t have a garden, but I could start one, plus I’ve got a lot of freeze dried food, MREs,#10 cans of food, that is if no one takes them...which leads me to the point, I can’t defend my castle by myself. I can put out boobie traps, make kill zones, but I would still probably lose in the end. I can’t fix a serious wound or infection, med skills are limited. Maybe more things I’m forgetting.

    So, I’m basically planning on being the grey man, hunkering down and waiting for the all clear and hope for the best!

    "Teach the children quietly
    For someday sons and daughters
    Will rise up and fight while we stood still"

    I stayed up all night to see where the sun went. Then it dawned on me.

  2. #2
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    problem - you can't classify and judge SHTFs initially >>> except for regional natural disasters <<< because SHTFs combine and build on each other - a "medium" initially can go into an almost impossible TEOTWAWKI ...

    listen to the BS gooberment reports or assume yourself what a termination date will be for a lite/medium/serious SHTF >>> find yourself falling short with your supplies ...

    best overall policy is to assume the worst - gooo hard into your self sufficiency plan - ration & conserve - watch for those telltale signs of other tangent SHTFs glumming on and kicking out that predicted termination date ...

    just another reason you can't and shouldn't think charity and start sharing - quite the bitch to have a year's worth - share half because initially it looks 3 months >>> only to see a US domestic SHTF go international because someone wanted to take advantage of he US absence ...

  3. #3
    I'll most likely shit myself

    bacpacker's Avatar
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    Good question Domey. And a good response by Illi.
    For me I would give us a solid 7. Food, check. Water, check. Defense, check. Neighbors to work with, check. Medical supplies, fair shape, skills, not as much as I need. I'm sure there is more I'm forgetting

  4. #4
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    To be a pessimist I would give myself a 5.

    We haven't gotten a years supply of good built up, our garden is just starting but we have no livestock.

    Water is fine, especially at our house.

    I do not have enough able bodied people around me of the same mindset. So anyone I took in to help with defense would be a solid burden.

    Medical, we should be fine. Without boasting I feel it's safe to assume I'm better set than 90% of common houses.

    Heat, I can move and repipe the wood stove in the workshop to the house.

    Sent from my S41 using Tapatalk

  5. #5
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    the problem I see all the time is prepper's perspective that their prep ends with xxxxxx amount of supplies - need to look at those supplies as a fill-in & back-up until their self-sufficiency kicks in entirely ...

  6. #6
    looking at their tools while posting pictures of mine.
    Domeguy's Avatar
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    about 20 minutes outside Lynchburg, TN...but which way...
    Quote Originally Posted by Illini Warrior View Post
    problem - you can't classify and judge SHTFs initially >>> except for regional natural disasters <<< because SHTFs combine and build on each other - a "medium" initially can go into an almost impossible TEOTWAWKI ...

    listen to the BS gooberment reports or assume yourself what a termination date will be for a lite/medium/serious SHTF >>> find yourself falling short with your supplies ...

    best overall policy is to assume the worst - gooo hard into your self sufficiency plan - ration & conserve - watch for those telltale signs of other tangent SHTFs glumming on and kicking out that predicted termination date ...

    just another reason you can't and shouldn't think charity and start sharing - quite the bitch to have a year's worth - share half because initially it looks 3 months >>> only to see a US domestic SHTF go international because someone wanted to take advantage of he US absence ...
    While all of this is true, what I was meaning could you make it for just one year with what you have on hand?
    "Teach the children quietly
    For someday sons and daughters
    Will rise up and fight while we stood still"

    I stayed up all night to see where the sun went. Then it dawned on me.

  7. #7
    I'll most likely shit myself

    bacpacker's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Illini Warrior View Post
    the problem I see all the time is prepper's perspective that their prep ends with xxxxxx amount of supplies - need to look at those supplies as a fill-in & back-up until their self-sufficiency kicks in entirely ...
    I agree there shouldn't be a big let up. There is always something that needs to be done, filled, whatever. But I also think skills are at least as important as stuff.

  8. #8
    may be in trouble

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    6 if i can get the damned land....scarce 5-10 acres out here and when they are, ~$5

    i'll keep kicking, have no doubt. i consider this my best approximation

  9. #9
    Wants you to "look at what he's holding tonight".

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    I say 7 for us. We have a years supply of canned chicken, plus our live flock that produces chicks constantly. They free range, so egg production will drop if no supplement feed, but should be plenty. We have a pond and a way to purify the water. More ammo and guns than I need. We already kill and process almost all our meat anyways at this point. We have antibiotics on hand and have planted many medicinal plants and trees. Unless the wild pigs are hunted to extinction we should get a chance to get one here and there.
    "When injustice becomes law, resistance becomes DUTY!" - Thomas Jefferson

  10. #10
    For the Love of Cats

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    I'm gonna think on this for a bit before I answer...
    Give a man fire, and he'll be warm for a day!
    Light a man on fire, and he'll be warm for the rest of his life!

    Cat's are food... not friends!

    If you're going to fight, then fight like you're the third monkey on the ramp into Noah's arc... and brother, it's starting to rain.



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