problem - you can't classify and judge SHTFs initially >>> except for regional natural disasters <<< because SHTFs combine and build on each other - a "medium" initially can go into an almost impossible TEOTWAWKI ...

listen to the BS gooberment reports or assume yourself what a termination date will be for a lite/medium/serious SHTF >>> find yourself falling short with your supplies ...

best overall policy is to assume the worst - gooo hard into your self sufficiency plan - ration & conserve - watch for those telltale signs of other tangent SHTFs glumming on and kicking out that predicted termination date ...

just another reason you can't and shouldn't think charity and start sharing - quite the bitch to have a year's worth - share half because initially it looks 3 months >>> only to see a US domestic SHTF go international because someone wanted to take advantage of he US absence ...