Yep, that counts. It looks like I’ll be getting one within a week or two. Not worried abit about the surgery, mainly wondering about how long it takes until normal activities can be resumed.
I was doing something really stupid and dangerous, I was making up the bed, one knee moved, the other one didn’t, baddy bing, bad da boom, now I’m screwed. Doc says the bottom of my femur has died due to lack of blood supply. Didn’t know that was a thing. Been using a cane for 7 weeks now, and I got shit to do. Doc has been saying “ well, either it will get better, or it will get worse, set me in a month”. I’ve gone around him and have been making deals with his nurse to get him to see me earlier. So I go Wednesday am to see if he will schedule the surgery, or I’ll go somewhere else. Looks like my entire summer has gone in the crapper. Well, maybe next year.