Dome, Had mine done 2013 full replacement. It depends on what the doc does and how well you take to the surgery. Went home 3 days after surgery but spent about 1/2-1 month flat on my keister with a machine bending the knee 24/7. See if they have the one that uses distilled water and runs icy water thru the hose semi self contained,(keeps the swelling down, you'll need it) just have to keep it filled with DISTILLED water, the old type, ya have to constantly put ice in for the water to get cold. Second time around,(long story will PM details if ya want) I had that one, man was it a pain to use AND DO ALL THE STUFF THE PT PERSON SAYS TO DO when you get to PT. I'm about 2 years out from second surgery and have full range of motion but you'll definitely feel the difference. Oh yeah Unless they've changed the detectors in some places, just prepare to be patted down. I still set them off even though mine is titanium. Carry your knee replacement card with you. The bigger airports are fine walk through no problems, smaller ones I set the thing off. But then I'm part Borg now so fun times.